Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Facebook Status From A Friend

I found this on Facebook as one of my friend's posts and it really encouraged me!

"I talked to a woman on the phone today who has six kids…four boys and two girls. When I called her, she was on the other line with the doctor, dealing with a detached retina that’s been going on since April. She asked if I would hold on the line while she finished booking her appointment, and I said that was no trouble. When she came back on the line a minute later, she apologized for having made me wait and she shared her life story.

She lost her husband to a tractor trailer wreck five years ago, when the youngest was only five years old. She said, “I didn’t realize until he’d been gone for several months that I had been my husband’s princess. He had asked me to keep our home, prepare the food, and raise our children after the Lord….and he took care of everything else. He paid the bills, he transferred the money for groceries, he paid the insurance, he scheduled the service jobs, he drew up our wills, he took care of it all. He was the head of 
our home and the head of my life.

He left me a life insurance policy, and once he was gone, everybody told me to go to work and save that money for when the I’m old and the kids are grown and out of the house and I have nobody to take care of me. But I knew that my husband wouldn’t have wanted them to go to the government school. I decided that we’d live on that money so that I can stay home and homeschool the kids until they are grown…and if I have to go back into the workforce at 55 years old and live in on next-to-nothing, I’ll do it. Frank would have wanted that. Their Daddy would have wanted that.”

All of her children, including three that are now adults but who were in their teens at the time of the accident, are professing Christians.

What a strong woman, and what a Godly man. His faith was so evident during his lifetime that his Christian legacy will follow him long after the grave, lived out in the lives of his six children."

How amazing is that! A father providing for his family...even after he is gone and cannot physically be there working to put food on the table. That is what we, as Christians, are called to be: futuristic and mindful stewards of Christ in every area of life. This godly man did this...he thought ahead and was thoughtful of the fact that God is the author of life and death...not man. Our days here are short and never guaranteed to last (Psalm 103: 15, 1 Peter 1:24, James 1:11). We never know and all we can do is be prepared and ready for whatever God has in mind for us. Who can know His mind? Whether it's mentally ready (saved and living out a Godly life) or physically prepared (things set in order as this husband had) we are called to be a people who are God's...entirely devoted to Him and completely compliant whatever His will (not like you get a say once you die or anything). 

Anyways...those are just some thoughts! Hope this encourages you!

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