Thursday, August 30, 2012

Benefits of Homeschooling

To begin with, yes, I am biased. I'll start off by saying that to make my point very clear. I am biased and I wouldn't have it any other way. For my whole school life I have been homeschooled by my mother. Homeschooling is exactly what I would promote. No argument can be validly held against homeschooling in order to promote either public or private schools. If you can think of one, please comment and I'll do my best to see the possibility of it. 

Homeschooling is just better. What is the sense behind sticking a bunch of kids the same age who are bound to cause trouble or find ways to misbehave in the same room and assume that they're actually going to learn something? Also, it is a good case of "No Child Left Behind". The material is so dumbed down so as to accommodate the slowest of the class, that the student with the best potential and the ability to be the smartest isn't allowed to be because they are essentially being held back to stay at the same level as the rest of the classroom. 

It has been proven in test studies that homeschoolers perform better on tests such as the ACT and SAT...even though public schoolers are the ones who regularly have timed tests and are required (I believe) to take the ACT even starting at 9th grade and younger. I'm not saying that the dumbest homeschooler tests better then the smartest public schooler. I'm not saying that public schoolers are dumb. I'm just saying that it has been proven that homeschoolers *on average* are more intelligent when it comes to tests like the ACT and such. We score better *on average*. 

Our parents (primarily mothers) oversee our work. They are intimately involved in our work and know how to work with us individually and specifically to meet our particular needs. My schooling needs are different then my brother's or my sister's. My mother is able to see that and discern how to teach me. This way I am most comfortable with how I am being taught and I can learn easier...instead of a teacher who has 20 students in a classroom and cannot spend one-on-one time with me to find out where my strengths and weaknesses are. 

Also, while we are studying at home we are not daily exposed to temptations such as drugs, alcohol, bullying and sex and other such crap that is defined as normal at the schools. And if they are then there is a lack of diligence on the parents' part over watching their children and monitoring what they see/are exposed to. We aren't daily surrounded by constant peer pressure and pushed into doing things we wouldn't normally do. 

Those are the more practical aspects of as a child I'm here to tell you the other reasons why you should homeschool! These would probably appeal more to the kids themselves. You get to sleep don't need to get up at absurd hours and get your lunch and finish homework last minute. We usually get to sleep in however late we want but we do start school around 10. Now, if I actually do get up and do my school early I can be all done as late as 11am. For those of you who are public schooled you may now pick your jaw up off the floor. Yes, I'm done at that time and *completely free to do whatever I want.* 

Also, yes, I can do my school in my pj's and I normally do...well not even always pj's, but sweatpants and a t-shirt...whatever I want! You can be totally relaxed. You can do school wherever you want! You can do it in the car or on your dining room table or *on your bed*. There is no sitting at desks for hours on end. That's just stupid and so uncomfortable...I don't even know how that's comfortable for your backs, geesh. 

Friends, you say? Ah yes...well see they're homeschooled they get done early we can hang out. Sometimes you can have a friend over as early as 1 or 2pm...a couple hours before you get OUT of school. Sad huh? Where do I get my friends? Well let's church has a good group of homeschoolers. And then there's my orchestra group...the big music group itself has a couple hundred (at least? when did I stop counting?) that yes, I get plenty of friends there. We also have co-ops where if our moms don't know exactly how to teach or they want us a little more exposed to a classroom setting or they want a break from one of our classes they ship us there so another homeschool mom can teach us and we get to see tons of our friends there as well. Oh, and don't forget our performing arts group...last year our cast had to be cut down to fit a cast of 90 because you can't really fit more then that on the huge stage that we use to perform our stuff on. So yes....yes I get plenty of interaction and plenty of like-minded people with whom I can regularly (at least 3 times a week) socialize with (not counting hanging out or extra stuff that comes up). 

Another good thing about homeschooling...we can pretty much stay up as late as we want at night (obviously cuz we can sleep in the next day). This means we can go out and have fun doing parties (chaperoned of course) and bowling and youth group stuff and so much more. Oh, and we have plenty of time to do fun stuff during the afternoon and evening too like watch movies and shopping...cuz we don't have any homework. Yup, no homework whatsoever...because...we're kind of already at home? The only homework you *might* get is if you had co-ops or something. 

Another perk about homeschooled? No timed tests! I mentioned something about this earlier...but yes, I don't really get tests all that often...and when I do they *certainly* aren't pop quizzes or timed at all. We just have it better, guys. There is no sitting in a classroom all day long going from one period to the next. We can eat whatever we want in the house at whatever time...there is no set time for our lunch which we have to eat in the cafeteria. 

For parents with younger children: you don't have to let them go after all! You don't ever have to worry about what they're being taught or who they hang out with at (or after) school. You don't have to worry about them being bullied. You don't have to wonder why you're being called up to the principle's office. Your child is right there with you under your careful and attentive watch and you have an involved part of their education. You know exactly how intelligent your child need to look at their report card for it.

In addition to all of these wonderful things, parents you are saving money. I'm not sure how it all works out in taxes, but I do know my parents *don't* have to pay outrageous money just to have teachers barely teach us anything while we goof off in class. They pay for our textbooks...that's it. Now, my whole homeschooling experience may be a bit different from homeschoolers...each family does it differently and with different rules. But on the whole, that is the general idea. If I got anything wrong, homeschoolers please correct me. If you can provide what you think is a valid argument for why public/private/"Christian" schools are better, please comment! 

Those are the reasons why homeschooling is simply the way to go, why I'm grateful to my parents for homeschooling me, and why YOU should all homeschool your children! Hope you enjoyed this and you will pass it on to your friends and family who may be considering putting their children in the government-run schools! Oh that's another thing! The government dictates what the kids are they are being molded and shaped into the mindset that the government wants them to take. Socialism at its best. Christian teachers are rarely allowed to teach, and if they are they can't say a single word about their faith or else they are kicked out before they can apologize for it.

Anyways! Hope you enjoyed reading...have a super day!

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