Sunday, November 11, 2012

Quotes On Marriage, Love, and Family

"Loving Each Other: this is both the husband's (Colossians 3:19) and the wife's duty (Titus 2:4). Love is the great reason and comfort of marriage. This love is not merely romance, but genuine and constant affection and care for each other "fervently with a pure heart" (1 Peter 1:22). Marital love cannot be base on beauty or wealth, for these are passing, and not even on piety, for that may decay. It must be based upon Gods command which never changes. The marriage vow obligates "for better or for worse," and married persons ought to consider their own spouses the best in the world for them. Marital love must be durable, lasting even after death has severed the bond (Proverbs 31:12). This true-hearted love brings true content and comfort in its train. It guards against adultery and jealousy. It prevent or lessens family trouble. Without it, the marriage is like a bone out of joint. There is pain until it is restored." Richard Steele

"There is no society more near, more entire, more needful, more kindly, more delightful, more comfortable, more constant, more continual, than the society of man and wife, the main root, source, and original of all other society." Thomas Gataker 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I REALLY like those quotes on marriage and true! Thank you for this!
have a wonderful day!
