Thursday, May 20, 2010

LAST HOMEWORK! Homework 5.18.10

This is going to be a whole bunch of randomness because the tape was not that interesting because we didn't have much to do. This will be my last homework.

It has been shown time and time again of God's sovereign redemption throughout history.

You can't separate the Old and New Testament. They are not two different books. They weren't written that way and shouldn't be interpreted that way. They are both so intimately connected.

The part of the word, "-ism" absolutizes whatever comes before it. Humanism would make a god out of the human. Materialism would say that all there is is material things eventually making the material into god...etc.

If you look at Genesis and Revelation, there are so many similar if not exact passages of things going on. There are connections there and between those books is one overall covenant.

The Gentiles were given the Kingdom when the Israelites rejected it. Because of this, the Israelites were cut off.

Without propositions, Christ is not known. There is no possible way However, you cannot make it all about propositions, there must be a primary focus upon Christ.

Reformed is the closest belief to Hebrew. The Hebrews were very organized covenantally, and were very much about audio; the hearing of the Word. The Gentiles were very much about vision...seeing everything. It must always be physical in some sense. We can see that in our churches today, that they are getting more about the seeing and the visual.

Methodology is always based on technology.

Thinking of books, chapters, and verses in the Bible can lead to a wrong way of thinking. You could read it differently as a whole. It is not necessarily wrong, but it can lead to wrong and divided thinking. We don't take most verses in their context. Instead, we pick and choose what we want.

Bible into abstraction - we have turned it into that way. Instead, we must turn God's Word into a concrete application, not an abstract one.

We must think covenantally and then we will live covenatally. If we don't, the antithesis (humanism, moderanism, paganism, etc.) will rule over us. They are disorganized as of now, but if we don't get our act together, they shall get theirs together and destroy us.


Name said...

Hmmm... does that make you feel like shouting "FRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDDDDDDDOOOOOOMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!" too? :)

Sarah said...