Wednesday, October 10, 2012

On "Finding Yourself"

I've come across a number of songs lately that are (mainly guys singing) about how their significant other (usually a girl) is out "looking for herself" and they hope she'll come back soon and that she'll be able to better find herself. Now...I understand that women are generally more led by emotion, but really? Going off to find yourself?

I think the main reason for this, if it really does happen (which I'm sure it probably does), is the fact that we don't "know ourselves" because we don't have a foundation. We are made in the image of God and as such have a mind grafted from the very mind of God. That is not to say much all the time...we are corrupt...sinful...evil. We can do nothing of good and are wholly evil apart from God.

Because we are not solidly built upon Christ we cannot know ourselves. Christians are known for their great strength and wisdom...their sense of groundedness...their great calm and peace even through adversities...all of this cannot happen if you are not secure within yourself. You cannot have any of that if you do not truly know yourself which can only happen if you know your Maker.

Anyways...that was just a random thought. It kinda came to me when I heard this gorgeous song...but it was about this guy who was wishing this girl all the best on her trip to "find herself". If you're interesting in the song, it's Wish You Well by Thousand Foot Krutch.

Have a loverly night, faithful readers!


Britt Lauren said...

What a wonderful post and so inspiring. Thanks for writing on this. I have been struggling lately with this and I think I am still learning who I am really am inside and who all God made me to be. I think we all don't know our real purpose and how special we are. Such great words and so inspiring. Thanks for this!!

Unknown said...

I couldn't agree with you more! Your comment has inspired me and I'll be writing a second part of this post! May God bless you and grant you increased wisdom and understanding as you seek Him throughout your life!

Knock said...

Yes, I agree very good post!! Really gets you thinking.