Sunday, October 14, 2012

MEN And Their Role To Women

I recently saw these two posts on a pastor's wall on Facebook. I found it fascinating. Also, I'll start by saying that this is not just me bashing on men *at all*! I will be posting soon on women and their roles to men.

Post 1 "Men, you are not entitled to be served by your wife, the Bible makes it clear, you are to serve them even to the point of death. We are to love our wives as Christ loves the church, and He gave His life. Nor should you control what they spend, how they spend their time, what they wear, how they act or any part of their life. Accept them for who they are not make them into who you want them to be. Love is about freedom not control."

Post 2 "Recently I posted a statement that men should not control woman and should love them as Christ loves the church. My wife and I have been reading the comments and we are shocked by the number of men (mainly) and some woman who find issue with my statement. We believe this is one of the most serious issues facing woman and men today, that men feel the right to treat woman as a possession to be cont
rolled. As Christian leaders we feel led by God to change how many men treat woman. 

Controlling woman is not Biblical, actually it is the opposite. Over the next month or so we will share more from the Word on why men should choose freedom and not control. Men we have to trust the woman in our lives. They are not possessions or objects we own, they have not been created to do our will, they are free and amazing creations of God - just like us. If we control woman, we are going against God's will, plain and simple."


Unknown said...

Most of what he said is true. However, while husbands are not to control or take advantage of their wives, the Bible does make clear that wives are to be subject to their husbands in everything. It goes on to command the husband to treat the wife as he would his own body (which removes the possibility of the husband abusing his authority). Those passages are in Ephesians 5:22-33. Also, neither the husband nor the wife are free from the other, but are to give each other's conjugal rights to each other so they are bound to one another in a sense (1 Cor. 7:3-5). Don't get me wrong, I understand what his point is (that husbands need to stop treating their wives as if they are slaves), but I just don't think he's balancing the facts very well.

Unknown said...

You are absolutely correct, Luke! And it is so encouraging to find a young man, like yourself, understanding properly God's will for him in the years to come. Yes...I would completely agree with you...which is why I followed up by saying that I would be doing my own post for women which will be inclusive of several things, one of which is her husband's authority over his home.

I also think that he is focusing on the wrong issue. Today the problem isn't men being overly-controlling, but rather the opposite: women being overly-controlling and dominating. Anyway! Long comment :) Hope that all that made sense! But yes, I do agree with you on all points!