Saturday, October 13, 2012

Books Vs. Movies

So random brain was musing over the thought of books vs. movies. Just got to thinking about how...books are longer and take more time to read. A movie you can consume within ...say 2 hours. A book? Well...okay, for me a typical book takes about 2 hours as well...but I speed read...and I also take a bit longer for books...because I think, "Oh, it's the end of a chapter...I can finish some other time". Or if it's a fascinating book then I always get interrupted by chores or work or music or school or something!

So I got to thinking: why are books more time-consuming than movies? Well...for one obvious reason it's because movies play on and on and opposed to books which can get closed, set aside, or bookmarked for another time...anytime. Which is a bit sad, but handy a lot of times.
Another reason (which was my main point through all of this) is that the books tell the thoughts of the characters...or at least most books. They tell what the character is feeling...thinking...experiencing. Now, a movie can show these emotions as played out on the actors/actresses faces...but it doesn't take the time to TELL us what they are thinking (unless they have that creepy echoing voice that indicates that the person is actually thinking).

Anyways...maybe that seems a bit crazy...but it was just an interesting thought that popped into my head tonight. Probably because I'm watching the Harry Potter series on my computer and each movie is about 2 1/2 hours long...and the books are just huge!! I wish I could read the books...I've heard they're better than the movies...but I just don't have that kind of time to each these massive books! I did, however, read the book The Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks before I watched the movie. I do NOT recommend the movie. I disliked it a lot and was completely bored/grossed out by it. But that was one instance where the book was far better than the movie and I approved. could completely ignore this whole post...because it was the craziness of a teenager on coffee in the wee hours of the morning. Now I'm going to hop on Pinterest until I fall asleep! :D Have a great night!


Unknown said...

Watch this. :)

Unknown said...

I love Messy Mondays :)