Monday, October 1, 2012

Determination, Focus, Motivation = Healthy and Productive

As fall approaches and we all continue to delve into our busy lives filled with school and music and work it's so hard to keep focused! I've come to see this lately in my own life. I have been losing a lot of focus and because of that my priorities get shifted and a lot gets left behind. Isn't it so easy when you are regarded as a mature adult who can take care of everything of your own in your own timing to let it all slide a little when no one is watching you constantly like that? When you're continually running from one place to another with little time to spare you also get so tired and exhausted that you have difficulties literally focusing on tasks at hand.

Several areas in my life that had begun slide as I got busier were getting up earlier, doing school when I needed to...and don't laugh...but getting exercise, taking all my medications and drinking water. So my challenge of becoming more focused and dedicated to being productive began. Nothing big or important...I've found that when you try to incorporated a lot of changes like that it's best to do it over a course of time...gradually and slowly one by one...not all at once or else you'll become overwhelmed and then not get *anything* accomplished.

The number one biggest thing that started this whole new challenge off to a good start was getting up earlier. It is so amazing what a tiny thing can do. And it rarely works if you went to bed at absurd hours of night. Last night I did go to bed at about midnight or so and I got up at 7am and headed to work. I made sure to get breakfast, juice, and coffee. I then sat down and focused on school and I got a few lessons of math done. Then I picked up the house...I was home by 11am.

For the rest of the day I have felt more energized and focused on whatever I was doing...I got a good deal of school accomplished and also got a good workout done with Rachel. Now I'm headed to orchestra and I'm up to date on meds. It is truly amazing what you can do if you simply put your mind to it, become more self-conscious of everything you're doing, and then do it! God gives us incredible strength for anything we request and desire when it is benefiting for us and those around us. May He grant YOU the strength, determination, and motivation to set your mind on goals and then accomplish them beyond what you ever imagined that you could possibly do!


Unknown said...

Did you mean, "It's so *easy* to lose focus" in your first paragraph?

Great post, by the way. Very encouraging. :) This is something I need to work on myself.

Unknown said...

YES! Thank you so much for the correction :)