Tuesday, June 29, 2010

To Erin


When I think of you
I think of your smiles
I think of the mem’ries we’ve shared

Remember that game
Where we had Mountain Dew
And shook them until they were flat?

Tennis last year,
How could we forget?
Playing out in the heat and the sun.

I am so glad
That we met when we did
Playing viola together.

You’ve always been there
Whenever I call,
Thanks for being my friend <3

Erin Paige Swett is one of my close friends. She has shown me what a true friend is. She has this sixth sense; I swear it tells her when I’m feeling a bit down. She has *always* been there with a smile and a hug. Now, I know so many people are like this…I mean, saying that the particular friend has always been there and stuff…blah blah blah…but I did stop and think about it for a long time and I couldn’t think of one single time where Erin was not there to help me feel a little bit better. She stuck through me during my darkest hour(s) and has been right by me even when she doesn’t agree with the decisions that I make. So this is to you, Erin, for turning 16 on June 26, 2010! Happy Birthday, my
dear and wonderful friend. :)


Erin said...

aww Sarah! I love you!!! I'll always be here for you! :]

Sarah said...

thank you, dear!