Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Another Update

The past few days have been remarkably quiet for me, and I have been awaiting the storm. It finally came, yesterday, but in a manner in which I very much enjoyed it.

Monday night, Rachel and I had run to the library to get a movie and to kill time, we went and got coffee at Biggbys. On the way to pick up Jon, I came up with a brilliant plot for my bucket list with Aimee (we have a combined bucket list on which are the craziest things). I immediately called her to have her put this new item on the list. She got so incredibly excited that I suggested that we do it! Soon! We decided to do it the next day (yesterday afternoon). And since I’ve been rather free for the last few days, I thought that this might actually put some kind of life into me for this week’s business.

Tuesday arrived. I was so incredibly bored until Aimee called at about 3:30. She said she’d come pick me up somewhere between 5-6 pm that night. Now, I had been wondering for a while whether or not Rachel would be coming with us…I mean, she’d probably want to, but this was Aimee’s and my bucket list. So we decided that Aimee would call right as she was leaving and since it would take her about 3-5 minutes to get here, Rachel would leave right away (she wanted to watch but not be associated with us). Aimee calls: Rachel left. Aimee picked me up! On the way to Biggbys, I fixed her broken-for-years cassette player and then blared Josh Groban music from my iPod for her. We walk in…don’t look to the right, because Rachel is sitting right there with her camera. No laughing…straight faces. We study the board for a minute or two and greet the lady.

Aimee: “Do you think they have….?”
Me *shrug*: “Maybe…you could always ask.”
Aimee to lady: “Hey, umm…do you have whipped cream?”
Lady: “Yes?”
Aimee: “Oh good! Ok, I’ll have a grande.”
Lady: “….of whipped cream??”
Aimee: “Yes please!”
Me: “Yes, could you make that two?”
Lady: “…umm…yea, I guess.”

And that was our wonderful scheme! She had to figure out how much to pay us too…that turned out to be $2.05 each. $2.05 for a grande of whipped cream!!!!!!! Anna was there too, so it just got better…we couldn’t figure how to eat our whipped cream, so we decided that instead of using a boring spoon, we’d use a knife! We ate our whipped cream and waited for Anna to get off her shift so Rachel could take her home. She had to go by the Dollar Tree first, so we sneaked after them blaring our beautiful music all the way! Then we got there and discovered that Rachel and Anna didn’t want an umbrella *or* screwdrivers. :D After that, Aimee and I went to Chelsea’s house and hung out there for a while and ate chocolate muffins and drank milk. I got a little caught up with her, and then we headed home…the long way. We went home on the freeway and then drove around town looking for the cheapest gas. When we finally stopped for gas at the last station (with the same price as everywhere else in town), I went in and got a pop and had it all down by the time I got home (with a little help from Aimee). Then I was super high on caffeine! I went in, and did the dishes before heading downstairs to write a quick poem and plan today out before heading off to bed.

Today, I have to do viola and piano and all my jobs before going to work at 1:30-7:30. I miss Madison a lot right now! She’s at horse camp and she says that she’s really sore, but having a good time!

One thing I’m really looking forward to this week is Cameron’s open house! I’m really excited to see everyone and play SOCCER! (I’ve probably already said all this)

Also, for any of you who read my poem and saw Titanic: don’t you think that the title is so amazing???! It just came to me at about midnight last night! I loved it! :)

“What an idea. What a mad, crazy, wonderful idea.”


Erin said...

oh wow! haha that sounds like fun!! Was it mountain dew that you got caffeine high on? ;) see you SATURDAY!!!!!♥
oh..and There'll be MOUNTAIN DEW!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Sarah said...

Sadly, it was not Mountain Dew! i wanted it so bad though!! :D OMW! Now I *REALLY* can't wait!! :D Will we be able to shake it up?? :D

I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! <3

Erin said...

haha'll be awesome...but no...we probably can't shake it up becuase it's in 2 liters...we can shake our cups! :) :p see yaaaaa!♥

Sarah said...

Darn it! Well, at least I'll get to see you! And play soccer!! :) I can't wait! How is driver's ed going??
<3 <3

Erin said...

haha yeah..hey! we can put our hands over the cup and shake it... :D lol it's gonna be so awesome!! Drivers ed is going good! I start driving tomorrow! so...hopefully i will see you tomorrow afternooN! if..i survive.. ;)

Sarah said...

It was so much fun! Though I didn't get to see you very much :(
How is Driver's ed going?? Fun? Did you die yet?
<3 <3 <3