The Heidelberg Catechism (of which I will be occasionally posting 5 Lords Days)
Preface – The Heidelberg Catechism was written in Heidelberg at the request of Elector Frederick III, ruler of the most influential German province, the Palatinate, from 1559 to 1576. This pious Christian prince commissioned Zacharius Ursinus, twenty-eight years of age and professor of theology at the Heidelberg University, and Caspar Olevianus, twenty-six years old and Frederick’s court preacher, to prepare a catechism for instructing the youth and for guiding pastors and teachers. Frederick obtained the advice and cooperation of the entire theological faculty in the preparation of the Catechism. The Heidelberg Catechism was adopted by a Synod in Heidelberg and published in German with a preface by Frederick III, dated January 19, 1563. A second and third German edition, each with some small additions, as well as a Latin translation were published in Heidelberg in the same year. The Catechism was soon divided into fifty-two sections so that a section of the Catechism could be explained to the churches in preaching each Sunday of the year.
The great Synod of Dort (1618-1619) approved the Heidelberg Catechism, and it soon became the most ecumenical of the Reformed catechism and confessions. The Catechism has been translated into all the European and many Asiatic and African languages and is the most widely used and most warmly praised catechism of the Reformation period.
Lord’s Day 1
1 Q. What is your only comfort in life and in death?
A. That I am not my own,
But belong – body and soul, in life and in death – to my faithful Savior Jesus Christ.
He has fully paid for all my sins with his precious blood, and has set me free from the tyranny of the devil. He also watches over me in such a way that not a hair can fall from my head without the will of my Father in heaven: in fact, all things must work together for my salvation.
Because I belong to him, Christ, by his Holy Spirit, assures me of eternal life and makes me whole-heartedly willing and ready from now on to live for him.
2 Q. What must you know to live and die in the joy of this comfort?
A. Three things: first, how great my sin and misery are; second, how I am set free from all my sins and misery; third, how I am to thank God for such a deliverance.
PART I – Man’s Misery
Lord’s Day 2
3 Q. How do you come to know your misery?
A. The law of God tells me.
4 Q. What does god’s law require of us?
A. Christ teaches us this in summary in Matthew 22 –
You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength. This is the great and first commandment.
And a second is like it, you shall love your neighbor as yourself.
On these two commandments depend all the law and the prophets.
5 Q. Can you live up to all this perfectly?
A. No. I have a natural tendency to hate God and my neighbor.
Lord’s Day 3
6 Q. Did God create man so wicked and perverse?
A. No. God created man good and in his own image, that is, in true righteousness and holiness, so that he might truly know God his creator, love him with all his heart, and live with him in eternal happiness for his praise and glory.
7 Q. Then where does man’s corrupt nature come from?
A. From the fall and disobedience of our first parents, Adam and Eve, in Paradise. This fall has so poisoned our nature that we are born sinners – corrupt from conception on.
8 Q. But are we so corrupt that we are totally unable to do any good and inclined toward all evil?
A. Yes, unless we are born again, by the Spirit of God.
Lord’s Day 4
9 Q. But doesn’t God do man an injustice by requiring in his law what man is unable to do?
A. No, God created man with the ability to keep the law. Man, however, tempted by the devil, in reckless disobedience, robbed himself and his descendants of these gifts.
10 Q. Will God permit such disobedience and rebellion to go unpunished?
A. Certainly not. He is terribly angry about the sin we are born with as well as the sins we personally commit.
As a just judge he punishes them now and in eternity.
He has declared: “Cursed be every one who does not abide by all things written in the book of the law, and do them.”
11 Q. But isn’t God also merciful?
A. God is certainly merciful, but he is also just. His justice demands that sin, committed against his supreme majesty, be punished with the supreme penalty – eternal punishment of body and soul.
PART II – Man’s Deliverance
Lord’s Day 5
12 Q. According to God’s righteous judgment we deserve punishment both in this world and forever after: how then can we escape this punishment and return to God’s favor?
A. God requires that his justice be satisfied. Therefore the claims of his justice must be paid in full, either by ourselves or by another.
13 Q. Can we pay this debt ourselves?
A. Certainly not. Actually, we increase our guilt every day
14 Q. Can another creature – any at all – pay this debt for us?
A. No. To begin with, God will not punish another creature for man’s guilt. Besides, no mere creature can bear the weight of God’s eternal anger against sin and release other from it.
15 Q. What kind of mediator and deliverer should we look for then?
A. He must be truly human and truly righteous, yet more powerful than all creatures, that is, he must also be true God.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Hunter really had me scared today. He overslept for about 6 extra hours. He finally woke up just before 2 pm. I knew he was probably starved to death, so I got him lunch right away. He ate 2 full bowls of applesauce and a pudding cup besides and was still hungry. He was shaking so badly he couldn’t even stand. He was so sad and pitiful.
I wouldn’t have ever recognized him, he was so altered. He wouldn’t talk at all…he just cried and when he tried to talk or make a noise, his voice was so raspy and it would make him cough. The smell of hospitals and medicine was all about him…he reeked of it. I hate that smell…it is the smell of death to me. How could this little one be smelling of something so vile?
He was so weak…he wouldn’t run around or move. I carried him around, big boy that he is…I wonder, it’s been a week now…will he always be like this, or will I actually get to see my little boy the way he used to be: smiling and screaming while chasing me around and around the couches? Screeching when things didn’t go his way? Begging for milk, and when he got it, to go off sucking contentedly with it? Staring out the window daydreaming? Playing with his blanket for hours at a time, enthralled by such a little thing? Coming running to me when he hurt himself? Hugging me goodbye when I had to go home? Trying to put together words into phrases? My last time seeing him before his surgery, he would say the word even before I did (he had to always hear the word before it would appear in his mind)…mama…daddy…baby…happy…and finally, right before I left, I called his name and he looked right straight at me (we were both on the floor) and with complete clarity while looking in my eyes, he said, “I love you.” I was stunned then, and even more so now along with being touched. I don’t know if he will ever be able to talk clearly, although he will have numerous speech therapists coming in to be working with him (I think 25 hours a week).
I also think that it must be so difficult for Whitney and Larry to have their oldest son go through this surgery and then a week later be told that he is officially diagnosed with autism…how disheartening it must be for them. I don’t really know how strong they are as Christians, but I am really hoping that this will bring them even closer to God. It is difficult for me right now to rely on Him and to know that whatever happens, it is God’s will and it will be for the best. May God bless this wonderful young boy with many more years.
Hunter really had me scared today. He overslept for about 6 extra hours. He finally woke up just before 2 pm. I knew he was probably starved to death, so I got him lunch right away. He ate 2 full bowls of applesauce and a pudding cup besides and was still hungry. He was shaking so badly he couldn’t even stand. He was so sad and pitiful.
I wouldn’t have ever recognized him, he was so altered. He wouldn’t talk at all…he just cried and when he tried to talk or make a noise, his voice was so raspy and it would make him cough. The smell of hospitals and medicine was all about him…he reeked of it. I hate that smell…it is the smell of death to me. How could this little one be smelling of something so vile?
He was so weak…he wouldn’t run around or move. I carried him around, big boy that he is…I wonder, it’s been a week now…will he always be like this, or will I actually get to see my little boy the way he used to be: smiling and screaming while chasing me around and around the couches? Screeching when things didn’t go his way? Begging for milk, and when he got it, to go off sucking contentedly with it? Staring out the window daydreaming? Playing with his blanket for hours at a time, enthralled by such a little thing? Coming running to me when he hurt himself? Hugging me goodbye when I had to go home? Trying to put together words into phrases? My last time seeing him before his surgery, he would say the word even before I did (he had to always hear the word before it would appear in his mind)…mama…daddy…baby…happy…and finally, right before I left, I called his name and he looked right straight at me (we were both on the floor) and with complete clarity while looking in my eyes, he said, “I love you.” I was stunned then, and even more so now along with being touched. I don’t know if he will ever be able to talk clearly, although he will have numerous speech therapists coming in to be working with him (I think 25 hours a week).
I also think that it must be so difficult for Whitney and Larry to have their oldest son go through this surgery and then a week later be told that he is officially diagnosed with autism…how disheartening it must be for them. I don’t really know how strong they are as Christians, but I am really hoping that this will bring them even closer to God. It is difficult for me right now to rely on Him and to know that whatever happens, it is God’s will and it will be for the best. May God bless this wonderful young boy with many more years.
To Erin
When I think of you
I think of your smiles
I think of the mem’ries we’ve shared
Remember that game
Where we had Mountain Dew
And shook them until they were flat?
Tennis last year,
How could we forget?
Playing out in the heat and the sun.
I am so glad
That we met when we did
Playing viola together.
You’ve always been there
Whenever I call,
Thanks for being my friend <3
Erin Paige Swett is one of my close friends. She has shown me what a true friend is. She has this sixth sense; I swear it tells her when I’m feeling a bit down. She has *always* been there with a smile and a hug. Now, I know so many people are like this…I mean, saying that the particular friend has always been there and stuff…blah blah blah…but I did stop and think about it for a long time and I couldn’t think of one single time where Erin was not there to help me feel a little bit better. She stuck through me during my darkest hour(s) and has been right by me even when she doesn’t agree with the decisions that I make. So this is to you, Erin, for turning 16 on June 26, 2010! Happy Birthday, my dear and wonderful friend. :)
When I think of you
I think of your smiles
I think of the mem’ries we’ve shared
Remember that game
Where we had Mountain Dew
And shook them until they were flat?
Tennis last year,
How could we forget?
Playing out in the heat and the sun.
I am so glad
That we met when we did
Playing viola together.
You’ve always been there
Whenever I call,
Thanks for being my friend <3
Erin Paige Swett is one of my close friends. She has shown me what a true friend is. She has this sixth sense; I swear it tells her when I’m feeling a bit down. She has *always* been there with a smile and a hug. Now, I know so many people are like this…I mean, saying that the particular friend has always been there and stuff…blah blah blah…but I did stop and think about it for a long time and I couldn’t think of one single time where Erin was not there to help me feel a little bit better. She stuck through me during my darkest hour(s) and has been right by me even when she doesn’t agree with the decisions that I make. So this is to you, Erin, for turning 16 on June 26, 2010! Happy Birthday, my dear and wonderful friend. :)
Sunday's sermon notes
1 Peter 1:3-5:
Raise us above the word – purpose. All other things are worthless. Those Peter was writing to were going through trials and struggles so he writes to them to uplift and comfort them…to remind them of the heavenly rewards for their persecution. He encourages them to press on in the midst of these trials that they have. He greets them, but then jumps in to tell about how mighty and majestic God is, and how we are to continue to bless Him through every action. God is said to be the Father of Christ, because we cannot know God without looking and knowing Christ first. We are grafted into Christ, making God our Father as well. Christ is the only way to the Father. Peter piles blessings upon God, because God first piled the blessings upon us. Everything that they suffered was a blessing from God. I know, laugh…but it’s true. Everything from God’s hand for His people is always a blessing. “God is good…all the time.” Abundant mercy poured out to us. We must see our circumstances through God…through His love, mercy and blessings; we must not see God through our circumstances and judge Him because of them. So to remind us of His love, Peter talks about the “now not yet.” At the coming of Christ, they will be rewarded for being persecuted and persevering through all trials. We don’t look what God has done in us, but more of what he has accomplished outside of us through Christ Jesus. Without Christ, the worship is nothing. Our inheritance from God can not be diminished. It doesn’t fade, or go away. It is undefiled… reserved for us in heaven. TULIP…the “P” stands for Perseverance of the Saints. Since every one of God’s chosen people is a saint, it would also mean our perseverance. We know all through faith. Faith is given by God. Peter reminds us that God is to be center even in our trials. He is center in every narrative of our life. We are to praise Him in every issue of life. To praise Him and to glorify Him through pain, struggles and persecution. We endure because of living hope. This living hope is what makes us to go on. We can be strong and mighty, rising up to glorify and bless His name because of this endurance and because of this living hope.
Raise us above the word – purpose. All other things are worthless. Those Peter was writing to were going through trials and struggles so he writes to them to uplift and comfort them…to remind them of the heavenly rewards for their persecution. He encourages them to press on in the midst of these trials that they have. He greets them, but then jumps in to tell about how mighty and majestic God is, and how we are to continue to bless Him through every action. God is said to be the Father of Christ, because we cannot know God without looking and knowing Christ first. We are grafted into Christ, making God our Father as well. Christ is the only way to the Father. Peter piles blessings upon God, because God first piled the blessings upon us. Everything that they suffered was a blessing from God. I know, laugh…but it’s true. Everything from God’s hand for His people is always a blessing. “God is good…all the time.” Abundant mercy poured out to us. We must see our circumstances through God…through His love, mercy and blessings; we must not see God through our circumstances and judge Him because of them. So to remind us of His love, Peter talks about the “now not yet.” At the coming of Christ, they will be rewarded for being persecuted and persevering through all trials. We don’t look what God has done in us, but more of what he has accomplished outside of us through Christ Jesus. Without Christ, the worship is nothing. Our inheritance from God can not be diminished. It doesn’t fade, or go away. It is undefiled… reserved for us in heaven. TULIP…the “P” stands for Perseverance of the Saints. Since every one of God’s chosen people is a saint, it would also mean our perseverance. We know all through faith. Faith is given by God. Peter reminds us that God is to be center even in our trials. He is center in every narrative of our life. We are to praise Him in every issue of life. To praise Him and to glorify Him through pain, struggles and persecution. We endure because of living hope. This living hope is what makes us to go on. We can be strong and mighty, rising up to glorify and bless His name because of this endurance and because of this living hope.
Monday, June 28, 2010
I don’t know where I left off with updating so I will just begin with Thursday.
Thursday, we went to the beach with the McAtees and the Woods. We all got to the McAtees about 9 and left at about 9:30 am which got us to the beach a little before 11 am. After lugging all of our stuff down to the beach and setting it up, we began to actually do something. The guys threw a Frisbee around and the girls kicked the soccer around until we decided to just all play soccer. The teams were Anthony, Jon, Rachel, Matt, and Becca against Jake, Laura, Anna and I. I had a lot of fun playing although I did injure my ankle. After a very close game (they won), we all went back up to our spot and rested for a moment. The rest of the kids went out swimming (although there was a red flag out) and I stayed back to tan. Jon kept me company. They came back after a bit and we all had lunch and laid out to tan some more. The guys got bored (shocker there) and wanted to go play some disc golf. So Pastor, Anthony, Rachel, Jon, Matt, Jake and I left to go to the closest disc golf course in Holland. After a little while of that (18 holes) we headed back to the beach. There we packed up (and left Rachel with the McAtees and the Woods) and soon left. I napped on and off on the way home. After we got home, Jon and my mom left for his last driver’s ed thing so my dad, Becca and I partied. Rachel didn’t get home till late. Most of the people who went got pretty sunburned, but I got a nice tan, which I am very happy about.
Today was a day filled with business! In the morning I cleaned the frig, emptied the mulch, baked brownies (for L’Abri), cleaned the kitchen, washed the dishes, cleaned my room, put all my clothes away, cleaned Titan’s pen, washed Titan’s pen, and washed Titan, himself. It was very motivating. Rachel, Becca and I went to the library for a while and then got some lunch. I left with my mom and brother (they were going to have Jon take his permit test) and they dropped me off at the McAtees so I could help clean for L’Abri. After cleaning for an hour and half or so, I played the piano and read a book until people arrived. L’Abri was so very enjoyable. One thing about L’Abri that I really enjoy is the fact that Pastor is teaching on very modern topics (not some old boring musty irrelevant subject). Tonight’s message was mainly about taking dominion which led to “Global Warming.” After L’Abri, a group of us went down and played 9 holes of disc golf (it was my last time to caddy for Anthony as he left that night for WA). During that, Jared showed up! After *that*, we all headed back to the McAtees to talk for a bit, before my dad, jared and I went home. My dad just drove off without me, so I got the best ride of my life with Jared and his *sweet* rental car! Hung out for a while, got on the computer till about 11:45 or so listening to cool music. Aimee brought Jon home from the bonfire just after midnight and we partied (cuz my parents weren’t home). I got to bed at about 1:30 but didn’t get to sleep till about 3:30 because Jared, Rachel and my parents were a little noisy upstairs.
I woke up at 6:00 and fixed pancakes for the family. I worked for most of the morning cleaning and stuff before my mom took me to Emily’s house. From there, we went up to Erin’s house for her birthday. We ate (tacos) and then played a couple games. The parade went right by their house so we sat on the lawn and watched it. The Chesters and Tori showed up and we played some more games…inside and then outside. Then, Erin, Emily and I left with her dad. We dropped Emily off and then went to Luke’s open house. That was a lot of fun. Erin and I hung out the whole time basically. We went over to the playground and played like little kids!! We also gambled….skittles. :P She played soccer and I took pictures, and then I went home with Jon and the Woods. Got to bed late, and had to wake up early for church.
Sunday was fun too. There was church and a party afterwards…and AIMEE showed up!! That made me very happy! We went home and relaxed all afternoon. Did some Bible reading and then left for evening church. After that, went to grandparents for cake and ice. Cream and then came home. Did more Bible reading resulting in a very late night (again). I don’t remember the last night I went to be earlier than 12:30.
Thursday, we went to the beach with the McAtees and the Woods. We all got to the McAtees about 9 and left at about 9:30 am which got us to the beach a little before 11 am. After lugging all of our stuff down to the beach and setting it up, we began to actually do something. The guys threw a Frisbee around and the girls kicked the soccer around until we decided to just all play soccer. The teams were Anthony, Jon, Rachel, Matt, and Becca against Jake, Laura, Anna and I. I had a lot of fun playing although I did injure my ankle. After a very close game (they won), we all went back up to our spot and rested for a moment. The rest of the kids went out swimming (although there was a red flag out) and I stayed back to tan. Jon kept me company. They came back after a bit and we all had lunch and laid out to tan some more. The guys got bored (shocker there) and wanted to go play some disc golf. So Pastor, Anthony, Rachel, Jon, Matt, Jake and I left to go to the closest disc golf course in Holland. After a little while of that (18 holes) we headed back to the beach. There we packed up (and left Rachel with the McAtees and the Woods) and soon left. I napped on and off on the way home. After we got home, Jon and my mom left for his last driver’s ed thing so my dad, Becca and I partied. Rachel didn’t get home till late. Most of the people who went got pretty sunburned, but I got a nice tan, which I am very happy about.
Today was a day filled with business! In the morning I cleaned the frig, emptied the mulch, baked brownies (for L’Abri), cleaned the kitchen, washed the dishes, cleaned my room, put all my clothes away, cleaned Titan’s pen, washed Titan’s pen, and washed Titan, himself. It was very motivating. Rachel, Becca and I went to the library for a while and then got some lunch. I left with my mom and brother (they were going to have Jon take his permit test) and they dropped me off at the McAtees so I could help clean for L’Abri. After cleaning for an hour and half or so, I played the piano and read a book until people arrived. L’Abri was so very enjoyable. One thing about L’Abri that I really enjoy is the fact that Pastor is teaching on very modern topics (not some old boring musty irrelevant subject). Tonight’s message was mainly about taking dominion which led to “Global Warming.” After L’Abri, a group of us went down and played 9 holes of disc golf (it was my last time to caddy for Anthony as he left that night for WA). During that, Jared showed up! After *that*, we all headed back to the McAtees to talk for a bit, before my dad, jared and I went home. My dad just drove off without me, so I got the best ride of my life with Jared and his *sweet* rental car! Hung out for a while, got on the computer till about 11:45 or so listening to cool music. Aimee brought Jon home from the bonfire just after midnight and we partied (cuz my parents weren’t home). I got to bed at about 1:30 but didn’t get to sleep till about 3:30 because Jared, Rachel and my parents were a little noisy upstairs.
I woke up at 6:00 and fixed pancakes for the family. I worked for most of the morning cleaning and stuff before my mom took me to Emily’s house. From there, we went up to Erin’s house for her birthday. We ate (tacos) and then played a couple games. The parade went right by their house so we sat on the lawn and watched it. The Chesters and Tori showed up and we played some more games…inside and then outside. Then, Erin, Emily and I left with her dad. We dropped Emily off and then went to Luke’s open house. That was a lot of fun. Erin and I hung out the whole time basically. We went over to the playground and played like little kids!! We also gambled….skittles. :P She played soccer and I took pictures, and then I went home with Jon and the Woods. Got to bed late, and had to wake up early for church.
Sunday was fun too. There was church and a party afterwards…and AIMEE showed up!! That made me very happy! We went home and relaxed all afternoon. Did some Bible reading and then left for evening church. After that, went to grandparents for cake and ice. Cream and then came home. Did more Bible reading resulting in a very late night (again). I don’t remember the last night I went to be earlier than 12:30.
L'Abri notes
It ticks me off sometimes that we don’t really take God’s Word seriously. He has commanded us to take dominion of the earth. He has put us over the animals, but just under the angels. We are to watch over and care for not only the animals, but plants, buildings, land, and people. We are to feed and nurse animals. Yes, they have natural instincts and can normally fend for themselves,, but we are still commanded to take dominion over them. We re commanded to care for and nurture the plants. So, I guess that gardening could be considered taking dominion. We are to take care of buildings which would include our houses. Cleaning the house for example. Taking care of the land could be as easy as mowing the grass. And dominion over people is not a rule of tyranny, but more of caring and helping people…like fixing a dinner for the family. So we can see that feeding your cat, watering your garden, cleaning your room, mowing the lawn and fixing dinner can all be examples of not only taking dominion, but also just helping out. They seem like such simple tasks, but when you do them you can know that you are being a leader…a ruler of the earth. Doesn’t that just give you a sense of power? Think on *that* next time you clean your room! I haven’t even begun to approach the bigger examples! In the political realm and in the religious realm there are many more issues and potential examples of both simple and more difficult everyday jobs.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Notes from church yesterday
2 Timothy 1:8-9:
God’s love is 1) particular. God’s love is for us; us, in this case, meaning His children…not every person, but His chosen…His elect. God has a unique and direct love as a father to His children. When I speak about His children, I automatically assume that you understand that His children are His elect. Since His love is direct to us, we know that His hatred of our opposers is particular and unique. He loves us in a family-way, and as His children, we must think of and love him as a family also. We must be jealous for Him. It is our role to love God and our family of God. We are all related. Our earthly father is a representation of our heavenly father. Fathers are to be the head of the household just as Christ is the Head of the Church. Although a father must love others, he puts his children first. Family first, then work out from there. It is likewise with Christ. Nations are often considered families. They have immigration laws for a reason. They think about their citizens first and put then primary.
God’s love is 2) unconditional. It is unconditional in the sense that we have done nothing to deserve it, but that is not to say that we can just sit back and do nothing. Christ died so that we could have this unconditional love. No acts of ours have earned us His love. Christ love of the Father and the love of His people took Him to the cross. This unconditional love did not come freely, someone had to pay it; we couldn’t, so Christ did. We can’t think that no matter what we d o we will still receive God’s unconditional love. i.e. “What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? Certainly not!” People do not have this right kind of understanding. God paid the price and now we are free to go about our lives with nothing we must do…this is the thinking now-a-days that has gotten so many people into trouble! Because we do have something to do every single day: we must proclaim God’s name and glorify Him in everything we do. People today, take words and empty their meanings and fill those words with their own new meaning. Fathers are to have an ever present and unconditional love no matter what the children do. This is how the Father loves us. A father’s love is not dependant on the performance of the children. This is how it is with the Father. Fathers are to be God’s image for their children. Your father should invoke an image of God.
Some of this stuff seems very basic, but really it is very important to know. So God’s love is 1) particular and 2) unconditional.
God’s love is 1) particular. God’s love is for us; us, in this case, meaning His children…not every person, but His chosen…His elect. God has a unique and direct love as a father to His children. When I speak about His children, I automatically assume that you understand that His children are His elect. Since His love is direct to us, we know that His hatred of our opposers is particular and unique. He loves us in a family-way, and as His children, we must think of and love him as a family also. We must be jealous for Him. It is our role to love God and our family of God. We are all related. Our earthly father is a representation of our heavenly father. Fathers are to be the head of the household just as Christ is the Head of the Church. Although a father must love others, he puts his children first. Family first, then work out from there. It is likewise with Christ. Nations are often considered families. They have immigration laws for a reason. They think about their citizens first and put then primary.
God’s love is 2) unconditional. It is unconditional in the sense that we have done nothing to deserve it, but that is not to say that we can just sit back and do nothing. Christ died so that we could have this unconditional love. No acts of ours have earned us His love. Christ love of the Father and the love of His people took Him to the cross. This unconditional love did not come freely, someone had to pay it; we couldn’t, so Christ did. We can’t think that no matter what we d o we will still receive God’s unconditional love. i.e. “What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? Certainly not!” People do not have this right kind of understanding. God paid the price and now we are free to go about our lives with nothing we must do…this is the thinking now-a-days that has gotten so many people into trouble! Because we do have something to do every single day: we must proclaim God’s name and glorify Him in everything we do. People today, take words and empty their meanings and fill those words with their own new meaning. Fathers are to have an ever present and unconditional love no matter what the children do. This is how the Father loves us. A father’s love is not dependant on the performance of the children. This is how it is with the Father. Fathers are to be God’s image for their children. Your father should invoke an image of God.
Some of this stuff seems very basic, but really it is very important to know. So God’s love is 1) particular and 2) unconditional.
My own sermon
I have come across an idea lately that I would like to extrapolate. This thought is that most people tend to and like to create an image of God/Christ of their own imagination. This dully leads to being “let down” or disappointed when He does not live up to that standard. Up till just a little while ago, I didn’t realize that even I did this. I tended to see Him as more of an always-forgiving and always-blessing God. Yet, when I looked around me, I saw so many disasters, deaths, sadness, crimes, suicides, poverty, hunger etc. The list just goes on. Every day, when I hear about this kind of stuff happening, it is so difficult not to turn around to God and say, “Why did you let that happen? You are all powerful and all knowing. You *knew* that was going to happen…why did you just sit back and let it happen? You could have stopped it!” He had let me down! You didn’t live up to my standards! After reading that, I dare you to step back and really look at it. What is the first word that comes to mind after rereading what I just said? For me, I’d say that the first word that *should* come to mind, is selfish. Am I right? The chief thing that I see as I look around me and the thing that completely blows me away, is that the fact that Christianity has be come so incredibly selfish! And I mean this. Now that I have come alive to this fact, it is jumping out and showing itself to me every 5 minutes…no joke. Here we are, we live our lives Corum Deo (before the face of God). This in mind, how can we live Corum Deo selfishly?? How can we live with ourselves acting selfishly every day with God right there with us? My pastor, when preaching will often as a question or ask us to fill in a blank. Often, nobody gets it at first until he gives hints. The answer usually tens to be pretty simple and he will say, “See? Pastor doesn’t ask hard questions.” And normally, he’s right! I think that it is us, feeling so self-righteous and thinking so logically about the question, that we often overlook the simple. We over-think it, because we are assured that we being so incredibly smart as we are, could surely get the answer right if we only wrack our brains hard enough. This leads to one 1) getting it wrong or 2) being clueless. It is about me…myself. Self…how unchristian-like it truly is to think about the self. I can only think of a very limited number of times where we should think at all about ourselves. 1) To look at ourselves to see if we are truly living out the Christian life. 2) To take care of our bodies and treat them like temples of God. 3) To see if we are striving in everything to glorify God (this is connected to #1). There are other reasons to look and focus on ones self, but these are the ones I could come up with off the top of my head. It is so “depressing” to think about how selfish I am. It will take so much and be so long, before I can begin on the road of thinking unselfishly. I say “depressing” (in quotations) because I know that at the same time of being depressed about it, God has promised to always be there to help and to heal, He will always forgive me, and He will always love me. So although it will be hard, He will be there every step of the way.
Another point that has really come across to me is that I don’t like to submit. At the wedding I attended the other day, the pastor doing the service talked about the husband/wife roles needed in marriage. A wife is to submit to her husband *in everything* (except when he commands her to go against God or the Bible). Ok, so I don’t like to submit period, let alone in everything. A wife’s submission is not to be dependant upon her husband’s amount of love. So if he doesn’t love her at all, if he is rude, ungentlemanly, gone, etc. she is still to submit to him and love him as God commands. Now, this being said, the husband is not to be a tyrant. He is not to take the wife’s submission and use it as a means to rule over her. He is to be the head of the house, but she is to be his second in command. His advisor and his chief consultant. In essence…his helpmeet. She is to be there always with support and love and respect. She is to back him up on whatever he chooses. He makes the ultimate decision. He is to judge fairly, and with equality in every possible situation. When at this wedding, it really came across to me that if I had to marry tomorrow, I wouldn’t be ready. I couldn’t submit to a man in every instance of every day. I don’t like to admit that I’m wrong, and I am very stubborn. I am so proud that I am so stubborn that I can win any argument. This is wrong. I need to, at this point, truly learn what a young woman’s role in life is to be. Yes, sure, I’ve heard it over and over again, and read so many girly books about what godly young women are to do in the time in which we live, but I think that I really need to begin my journey into the heart of this subject. I have prided myself in knowing lately, that I can run a household well. I can clean, cook, etc. but can I really be a helpmeet? True, I am only 14 (almost 15), and it’s probably going to be a while until I need the helpmeet skills, but that is not a good enough reason to be stubborn and proud of it. It has been said before that submission shows how strong you are. If you are arguing and you don’t want to give up, your pride is too great. To submit in that situation, shows that you are truly strong. A wife is under her husband because God has set it up that way. “To the woman He said: “I will greatly multiply your sorrow and your conception; in pain you shall bring forth children: Your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you.” Genesis 3:16. A husband is to rule over his wife, because the first woman caused her husband to fall. This was God’s curse for her. God’s curse for him was that he would have to work and work hard. I believe that in this day and age, we are getting so far away from godly man and woman roles. Men are become so much more feminine and women are getting manlier. You are finding more women in the public, working hard, which was for men to do. You see men, who don’t know the meaning of gentleman. We need people, both men and women, to know how to stand up and prove to the world that we can live with men who are manly and women who are feminine. So, this week, I am going to try to 1) think unselfishly and 2) submit especially to my father and brother (fathers and brothers in Christ as well).
Another point that has really come across to me is that I don’t like to submit. At the wedding I attended the other day, the pastor doing the service talked about the husband/wife roles needed in marriage. A wife is to submit to her husband *in everything* (except when he commands her to go against God or the Bible). Ok, so I don’t like to submit period, let alone in everything. A wife’s submission is not to be dependant upon her husband’s amount of love. So if he doesn’t love her at all, if he is rude, ungentlemanly, gone, etc. she is still to submit to him and love him as God commands. Now, this being said, the husband is not to be a tyrant. He is not to take the wife’s submission and use it as a means to rule over her. He is to be the head of the house, but she is to be his second in command. His advisor and his chief consultant. In essence…his helpmeet. She is to be there always with support and love and respect. She is to back him up on whatever he chooses. He makes the ultimate decision. He is to judge fairly, and with equality in every possible situation. When at this wedding, it really came across to me that if I had to marry tomorrow, I wouldn’t be ready. I couldn’t submit to a man in every instance of every day. I don’t like to admit that I’m wrong, and I am very stubborn. I am so proud that I am so stubborn that I can win any argument. This is wrong. I need to, at this point, truly learn what a young woman’s role in life is to be. Yes, sure, I’ve heard it over and over again, and read so many girly books about what godly young women are to do in the time in which we live, but I think that I really need to begin my journey into the heart of this subject. I have prided myself in knowing lately, that I can run a household well. I can clean, cook, etc. but can I really be a helpmeet? True, I am only 14 (almost 15), and it’s probably going to be a while until I need the helpmeet skills, but that is not a good enough reason to be stubborn and proud of it. It has been said before that submission shows how strong you are. If you are arguing and you don’t want to give up, your pride is too great. To submit in that situation, shows that you are truly strong. A wife is under her husband because God has set it up that way. “To the woman He said: “I will greatly multiply your sorrow and your conception; in pain you shall bring forth children: Your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you.” Genesis 3:16. A husband is to rule over his wife, because the first woman caused her husband to fall. This was God’s curse for her. God’s curse for him was that he would have to work and work hard. I believe that in this day and age, we are getting so far away from godly man and woman roles. Men are become so much more feminine and women are getting manlier. You are finding more women in the public, working hard, which was for men to do. You see men, who don’t know the meaning of gentleman. We need people, both men and women, to know how to stand up and prove to the world that we can live with men who are manly and women who are feminine. So, this week, I am going to try to 1) think unselfishly and 2) submit especially to my father and brother (fathers and brothers in Christ as well).
Ok, just to let you know, this is my 100th post!! I am so excited!
I am going to attempt to tell you what my crazy life has been lately. Wednesday, I had babysitting for about 6 hours. And Thursday, I had work for about 3-4 hours. Those were both amazing…I have found that if I am away from my boys for too long, I miss them like crazy! Thursday night, we went up to Holt and had the wedding rehearsal. That was very long and kinda boring, but I think it was worth it since I had skipped the previous rehearsal. We almost got in a car accident on the way home…it was really scary to watch it happen right in front of you! Friday, I had work at the Nightengale’s stand all day. They have a vegetable/fruit stand that they run during the spring/summer/fall and they hire homeschoolers to work for them. So I worked from 10-6pm. That was incredibly boring but rewarding in some ways. It was my social lesson for the day. I got to meet a ton of people and I sold about 350-400 quarts of strawberries! I also began my voluntary summer school. I got 2 whole modules done with science which is 2 weeks worth of school!! Fun stuff! Rachel picked me up, and we went to the Nightengale’s with the leftover stuff. Then we went all over town trying to find somewhere with decent twizzlers (for Rachel). We ended going right back where she picked me up from work. Then we swung by the library and picked up a couple movies to watch (Pirates of the Caribbean 1 for Becca and the new Sherlock Holmes the rest of us). We then went home and watched them. I really enjoyed Sherlock Holmes…it’s a little bit…intense? Saturday was the wedding! I was so excited to witness two of my friends getting married! Kevin and Rebekah! We showed up early to rehearse, since we were going to be getting a new piece that morning. It wasn’t too bad. For a while though, it was looking as if it were going to rain! We even thought we heard thunder (although it turned out to be the wind blowing through the mic). The wedding was short and went very well. We then headed off to the reception. I didn’t have much time there to eat, because then I carpooled with Nick to Cam’s Sr. Recital. It took *forever* to get there! I did, however, fall asleep during the recital. Then, at the open house, I think everyone I knew showed up except Madison. I missed her a lot. I played the piano inside for most of the time because I was just so bored. We left at about 9:30 and didn’t get home until about 11 pm. I then took a shower and didn’t get to bed until 1:30 or so. I had to get up bright and early for church. After church, we came home and cleaned up for a bit before headed out to go fishing for my dad (you know, father’s day and all). I have never really cared for fishing so I just sat and read books. We were out there for a few hours. I tried to tan a bit, and I think I succeeded. We went to evening church and then we headed home real quick to drop off all the fishing stuff. As a family (for the first time ever), we drove to the frisbee golf course where we met up with Jake, Anthony and Pastor (and eventually Mrs. Jane and Laura). For the first time in a very long time, I got to be a caddy for Anthony again! I didn’t realize how much I missed it until I did it last night. It was a lot of fun. We stayed out there and played about 21 holes I believe. We came home and read the Bible before heading off to bed. I got up bright and early this morning to type this entire thing along with my sermon and my church notes out. Today, I don’t know what I am up to really…just relaxing…maybe some school and music. Tomorrow, Hunter (my little 2 year old) has surgery to clear out his earways (maybe now he can start really hearing/talking!). So please pray for him tomorrow…he also has to be down and resting for 2 weeks and that is going to be hard for him since he is a very active little boy! Any prayers for that would be much appreciated.
Thank you all for reading my 100th post on my blog! It has been a joy to write occasionally to you all and to know that there are people out there who read it and show it by commenting!
I am going to attempt to tell you what my crazy life has been lately. Wednesday, I had babysitting for about 6 hours. And Thursday, I had work for about 3-4 hours. Those were both amazing…I have found that if I am away from my boys for too long, I miss them like crazy! Thursday night, we went up to Holt and had the wedding rehearsal. That was very long and kinda boring, but I think it was worth it since I had skipped the previous rehearsal. We almost got in a car accident on the way home…it was really scary to watch it happen right in front of you! Friday, I had work at the Nightengale’s stand all day. They have a vegetable/fruit stand that they run during the spring/summer/fall and they hire homeschoolers to work for them. So I worked from 10-6pm. That was incredibly boring but rewarding in some ways. It was my social lesson for the day. I got to meet a ton of people and I sold about 350-400 quarts of strawberries! I also began my voluntary summer school. I got 2 whole modules done with science which is 2 weeks worth of school!! Fun stuff! Rachel picked me up, and we went to the Nightengale’s with the leftover stuff. Then we went all over town trying to find somewhere with decent twizzlers (for Rachel). We ended going right back where she picked me up from work. Then we swung by the library and picked up a couple movies to watch (Pirates of the Caribbean 1 for Becca and the new Sherlock Holmes the rest of us). We then went home and watched them. I really enjoyed Sherlock Holmes…it’s a little bit…intense? Saturday was the wedding! I was so excited to witness two of my friends getting married! Kevin and Rebekah! We showed up early to rehearse, since we were going to be getting a new piece that morning. It wasn’t too bad. For a while though, it was looking as if it were going to rain! We even thought we heard thunder (although it turned out to be the wind blowing through the mic). The wedding was short and went very well. We then headed off to the reception. I didn’t have much time there to eat, because then I carpooled with Nick to Cam’s Sr. Recital. It took *forever* to get there! I did, however, fall asleep during the recital. Then, at the open house, I think everyone I knew showed up except Madison. I missed her a lot. I played the piano inside for most of the time because I was just so bored. We left at about 9:30 and didn’t get home until about 11 pm. I then took a shower and didn’t get to bed until 1:30 or so. I had to get up bright and early for church. After church, we came home and cleaned up for a bit before headed out to go fishing for my dad (you know, father’s day and all). I have never really cared for fishing so I just sat and read books. We were out there for a few hours. I tried to tan a bit, and I think I succeeded. We went to evening church and then we headed home real quick to drop off all the fishing stuff. As a family (for the first time ever), we drove to the frisbee golf course where we met up with Jake, Anthony and Pastor (and eventually Mrs. Jane and Laura). For the first time in a very long time, I got to be a caddy for Anthony again! I didn’t realize how much I missed it until I did it last night. It was a lot of fun. We stayed out there and played about 21 holes I believe. We came home and read the Bible before heading off to bed. I got up bright and early this morning to type this entire thing along with my sermon and my church notes out. Today, I don’t know what I am up to really…just relaxing…maybe some school and music. Tomorrow, Hunter (my little 2 year old) has surgery to clear out his earways (maybe now he can start really hearing/talking!). So please pray for him tomorrow…he also has to be down and resting for 2 weeks and that is going to be hard for him since he is a very active little boy! Any prayers for that would be much appreciated.
Thank you all for reading my 100th post on my blog! It has been a joy to write occasionally to you all and to know that there are people out there who read it and show it by commenting!
Friday, June 18, 2010
Take 5! (poems of Robert Frost that is)
How countlessly they congregate
O’er our tumultuous snow,
Which flows in shapes as tall as trees
When wintry winds do blow! –
As if with keenness for our fate,
Our faltering few steps on
To white rest, and a place of rest
Invisible at dawn, --
And yet with neither love nor hate,
Those stars like some snow-white
Minerva’s snow white marble eyes
Without the gift of sight.
I left you in the morning,
And in the morning glow,
You walked a way beside me
To make me sad to go.
Do you know me in the gloaming,
Gaunt and dusty grey with roaming?
Are you dumb because you knew me not,
Or dumb because you know?
All for me? And not a question
For the faded flowers gay
That could take me from beside you
For the ages of a day?
They are yours, and be the measure
Of their worth for you to treasure,
The measure of the little while
That I’ve been long away.
Rose Pogonias:
A saturated meadow,
Sun-shaped and jewel-small
A circle scarcely wider
Than the trees around were tall;
Where winds were quite excluded,
And the air was stifling sweet
With the breath of many flowers,
A temple of the heat.
There we bowed us in the burning,
As the sun’s right worship is,
To pick where none could miss them
A thousand orchises;
For though the grass was scattered,
Yet every second spear
Seemed tipped with wings of color,
That tinged the atmosphere.
We raised a simple prayer
Before we left the spot,
That in the general mowing
That place might be forgot;
Or if not all so favoured,
Obtain such grace of hours,
That none should mow the grass there
While so confused with flowers.
A Dream Pang:
I had withdrawn in forest, and my song
Was swallowed up in leaves that blew always;
And to the forest edge you came one day
(This was my dream) and looked and pondered long,
But did not enter, though the wish was strong:
You shook your pensive head as who should say,
‘I dare not – too far in his footsteps stray—
He must seek me would he undo the wrong.’
Not far, but near, I stood and saw it all
Behind low boughs the trees let down outside;
And the sweet pang it cost me not to call
And tell you that I saw does still abide.
But ‘tis not true that thus I dwelt aloof,
For the wood wakes, and you are here for proof.
In Neglect:
They leave us so to the way we took,
As two in whom they were proved mistaken,
That we sit sometimes in the wayside nook,
With mischievous, vagrant, seraphic look,
And try if we cannot feel forsaken.
How countlessly they congregate
O’er our tumultuous snow,
Which flows in shapes as tall as trees
When wintry winds do blow! –
As if with keenness for our fate,
Our faltering few steps on
To white rest, and a place of rest
Invisible at dawn, --
And yet with neither love nor hate,
Those stars like some snow-white
Minerva’s snow white marble eyes
Without the gift of sight.
I left you in the morning,
And in the morning glow,
You walked a way beside me
To make me sad to go.
Do you know me in the gloaming,
Gaunt and dusty grey with roaming?
Are you dumb because you knew me not,
Or dumb because you know?
All for me? And not a question
For the faded flowers gay
That could take me from beside you
For the ages of a day?
They are yours, and be the measure
Of their worth for you to treasure,
The measure of the little while
That I’ve been long away.
Rose Pogonias:
A saturated meadow,
Sun-shaped and jewel-small
A circle scarcely wider
Than the trees around were tall;
Where winds were quite excluded,
And the air was stifling sweet
With the breath of many flowers,
A temple of the heat.
There we bowed us in the burning,
As the sun’s right worship is,
To pick where none could miss them
A thousand orchises;
For though the grass was scattered,
Yet every second spear
Seemed tipped with wings of color,
That tinged the atmosphere.
We raised a simple prayer
Before we left the spot,
That in the general mowing
That place might be forgot;
Or if not all so favoured,
Obtain such grace of hours,
That none should mow the grass there
While so confused with flowers.
A Dream Pang:
I had withdrawn in forest, and my song
Was swallowed up in leaves that blew always;
And to the forest edge you came one day
(This was my dream) and looked and pondered long,
But did not enter, though the wish was strong:
You shook your pensive head as who should say,
‘I dare not – too far in his footsteps stray—
He must seek me would he undo the wrong.’
Not far, but near, I stood and saw it all
Behind low boughs the trees let down outside;
And the sweet pang it cost me not to call
And tell you that I saw does still abide.
But ‘tis not true that thus I dwelt aloof,
For the wood wakes, and you are here for proof.
In Neglect:
They leave us so to the way we took,
As two in whom they were proved mistaken,
That we sit sometimes in the wayside nook,
With mischievous, vagrant, seraphic look,
And try if we cannot feel forsaken.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
a poem that I wrote up late last night
Painting in my Mind by Me
The things that take my breath away
Are far too many to count,
A few, I’ll list to give you a hint
Of what God truly can do:
The dew on a leaf when first breaks the dawn,
The song of a bird in a tree,
The first shades of pink that light up the sky
That cool breeze, soft like a breath
Can’t you feel the sense of life?
Of wanting to break forth?
It springs from the flowers,
Opening wide, opening to the sun,
And as the day moves slowly on,
The temperature gradually rises
Listen to the cicadas buzz on and off
Signaling warm, welcome heat,
Evening arrives and brings back the cool,
Bright orange arrays the heavens,
The dark arrives, a cool breeze begins,
The fireflies start to dance
Weaving among them, now I can see
God’s handiwork throughout my day.
The things that take my breath away
Are far too many to count,
A few, I’ll list to give you a hint
Of what God truly can do:
The dew on a leaf when first breaks the dawn,
The song of a bird in a tree,
The first shades of pink that light up the sky
That cool breeze, soft like a breath
Can’t you feel the sense of life?
Of wanting to break forth?
It springs from the flowers,
Opening wide, opening to the sun,
And as the day moves slowly on,
The temperature gradually rises
Listen to the cicadas buzz on and off
Signaling warm, welcome heat,
Evening arrives and brings back the cool,
Bright orange arrays the heavens,
The dark arrives, a cool breeze begins,
The fireflies start to dance
Weaving among them, now I can see
God’s handiwork throughout my day.
Robert Frost: daily 5
A Minor Bird:
I have wished a bird would fly away,
And not sing by my house all day;
Have clapped my hands at him from the door
When it seemed as if I could bear no more.
The fault must partly have been in me.
The bird was not to blame for his key.
And of course there must be something wrong
In wanting to silence any song.
Acquainted With the Night:
I have been one acquainted with the night.
I have walked out in the rain – and back in rain.
I have outwalked the furthest city light.
I have looked down the saddest city lane.
I have passed by the watchman on his beat
And dropped my eyes, unwilling to explain.
I have stood still and stopped the sound of feet
When far away an interrupted cry
Came over houses from another street,
But not to call me back or say good-bye;
And further still at an unearthly height,
One luminary clock against the sky
Proclaimed the time was neither wrong nor right
I have been one acquainted with the night.
The Flower Boat:
The fisherman’s swapping a yarn for a yarn
Under the hand of the village barber,
And here in the angle of house and barn
His deep-sea dory has found a harbor.
At anchor she rides the sunny sod
As full to the gunnel of flowers growing
As ever she turned her home with cod
From George’s bank when winds were blowing.
And I judge from that Elysian freight
That all they ask is rougher weather,
And dory and master will sail by fate
To seek for the Happy Isles together.
Lost in Heaven:
The clouds, the source of rain, one stormy night
Offered an opening to the source of dew;
When I accepted with impatient sight
Looking for my old skymarks in the blue.
But stars were scarce in that part of the sky,
And no two were of the same constellation –
No one was bright enough to identify,
Seeing myself well lost once more, I sighed,
‘Where, where in Heaven am I? But don’t tell me!’
I warned the clouds, ‘by opening on me wide.
Let’s let my heavenly lostness overwhelm me.’
Moon Compasses:
I stole forth dimly in the dripping pause
Between two downpours to see what there was.
And a masked moon had spread down compass rays
To a cone mountain in the midnight haze,
As if the final estimate were hers,
And as it measured in her calipers,
The mountain stood exalted in its place.
So love will take between the hands a face…
I have wished a bird would fly away,
And not sing by my house all day;
Have clapped my hands at him from the door
When it seemed as if I could bear no more.
The fault must partly have been in me.
The bird was not to blame for his key.
And of course there must be something wrong
In wanting to silence any song.
Acquainted With the Night:
I have been one acquainted with the night.
I have walked out in the rain – and back in rain.
I have outwalked the furthest city light.
I have looked down the saddest city lane.
I have passed by the watchman on his beat
And dropped my eyes, unwilling to explain.
I have stood still and stopped the sound of feet
When far away an interrupted cry
Came over houses from another street,
But not to call me back or say good-bye;
And further still at an unearthly height,
One luminary clock against the sky
Proclaimed the time was neither wrong nor right
I have been one acquainted with the night.
The Flower Boat:
The fisherman’s swapping a yarn for a yarn
Under the hand of the village barber,
And here in the angle of house and barn
His deep-sea dory has found a harbor.
At anchor she rides the sunny sod
As full to the gunnel of flowers growing
As ever she turned her home with cod
From George’s bank when winds were blowing.
And I judge from that Elysian freight
That all they ask is rougher weather,
And dory and master will sail by fate
To seek for the Happy Isles together.
Lost in Heaven:
The clouds, the source of rain, one stormy night
Offered an opening to the source of dew;
When I accepted with impatient sight
Looking for my old skymarks in the blue.
But stars were scarce in that part of the sky,
And no two were of the same constellation –
No one was bright enough to identify,
Seeing myself well lost once more, I sighed,
‘Where, where in Heaven am I? But don’t tell me!’
I warned the clouds, ‘by opening on me wide.
Let’s let my heavenly lostness overwhelm me.’
Moon Compasses:
I stole forth dimly in the dripping pause
Between two downpours to see what there was.
And a masked moon had spread down compass rays
To a cone mountain in the midnight haze,
As if the final estimate were hers,
And as it measured in her calipers,
The mountain stood exalted in its place.
So love will take between the hands a face…
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Another Update
The past few days have been remarkably quiet for me, and I have been awaiting the storm. It finally came, yesterday, but in a manner in which I very much enjoyed it.
Monday night, Rachel and I had run to the library to get a movie and to kill time, we went and got coffee at Biggbys. On the way to pick up Jon, I came up with a brilliant plot for my bucket list with Aimee (we have a combined bucket list on which are the craziest things). I immediately called her to have her put this new item on the list. She got so incredibly excited that I suggested that we do it! Soon! We decided to do it the next day (yesterday afternoon). And since I’ve been rather free for the last few days, I thought that this might actually put some kind of life into me for this week’s business.
Tuesday arrived. I was so incredibly bored until Aimee called at about 3:30. She said she’d come pick me up somewhere between 5-6 pm that night. Now, I had been wondering for a while whether or not Rachel would be coming with us…I mean, she’d probably want to, but this was Aimee’s and my bucket list. So we decided that Aimee would call right as she was leaving and since it would take her about 3-5 minutes to get here, Rachel would leave right away (she wanted to watch but not be associated with us). Aimee calls: Rachel left. Aimee picked me up! On the way to Biggbys, I fixed her broken-for-years cassette player and then blared Josh Groban music from my iPod for her. We walk in…don’t look to the right, because Rachel is sitting right there with her camera. No laughing…straight faces. We study the board for a minute or two and greet the lady.
Aimee: “Do you think they have….?”
Me *shrug*: “Maybe…you could always ask.”
Aimee to lady: “Hey, umm…do you have whipped cream?”
Lady: “Yes?”
Aimee: “Oh good! Ok, I’ll have a grande.”
Lady: “….of whipped cream??”
Aimee: “Yes please!”
Me: “Yes, could you make that two?”
Lady: “…umm…yea, I guess.”
And that was our wonderful scheme! She had to figure out how much to pay us too…that turned out to be $2.05 each. $2.05 for a grande of whipped cream!!!!!!! Anna was there too, so it just got better…we couldn’t figure how to eat our whipped cream, so we decided that instead of using a boring spoon, we’d use a knife! We ate our whipped cream and waited for Anna to get off her shift so Rachel could take her home. She had to go by the Dollar Tree first, so we sneaked after them blaring our beautiful music all the way! Then we got there and discovered that Rachel and Anna didn’t want an umbrella *or* screwdrivers. :D After that, Aimee and I went to Chelsea’s house and hung out there for a while and ate chocolate muffins and drank milk. I got a little caught up with her, and then we headed home…the long way. We went home on the freeway and then drove around town looking for the cheapest gas. When we finally stopped for gas at the last station (with the same price as everywhere else in town), I went in and got a pop and had it all down by the time I got home (with a little help from Aimee). Then I was super high on caffeine! I went in, and did the dishes before heading downstairs to write a quick poem and plan today out before heading off to bed.
Today, I have to do viola and piano and all my jobs before going to work at 1:30-7:30. I miss Madison a lot right now! She’s at horse camp and she says that she’s really sore, but having a good time!
One thing I’m really looking forward to this week is Cameron’s open house! I’m really excited to see everyone and play SOCCER! (I’ve probably already said all this)
Also, for any of you who read my poem and saw Titanic: don’t you think that the title is so amazing???! It just came to me at about midnight last night! I loved it! :)
“What an idea. What a mad, crazy, wonderful idea.”
Monday night, Rachel and I had run to the library to get a movie and to kill time, we went and got coffee at Biggbys. On the way to pick up Jon, I came up with a brilliant plot for my bucket list with Aimee (we have a combined bucket list on which are the craziest things). I immediately called her to have her put this new item on the list. She got so incredibly excited that I suggested that we do it! Soon! We decided to do it the next day (yesterday afternoon). And since I’ve been rather free for the last few days, I thought that this might actually put some kind of life into me for this week’s business.
Tuesday arrived. I was so incredibly bored until Aimee called at about 3:30. She said she’d come pick me up somewhere between 5-6 pm that night. Now, I had been wondering for a while whether or not Rachel would be coming with us…I mean, she’d probably want to, but this was Aimee’s and my bucket list. So we decided that Aimee would call right as she was leaving and since it would take her about 3-5 minutes to get here, Rachel would leave right away (she wanted to watch but not be associated with us). Aimee calls: Rachel left. Aimee picked me up! On the way to Biggbys, I fixed her broken-for-years cassette player and then blared Josh Groban music from my iPod for her. We walk in…don’t look to the right, because Rachel is sitting right there with her camera. No laughing…straight faces. We study the board for a minute or two and greet the lady.
Aimee: “Do you think they have….?”
Me *shrug*: “Maybe…you could always ask.”
Aimee to lady: “Hey, umm…do you have whipped cream?”
Lady: “Yes?”
Aimee: “Oh good! Ok, I’ll have a grande.”
Lady: “….of whipped cream??”
Aimee: “Yes please!”
Me: “Yes, could you make that two?”
Lady: “…umm…yea, I guess.”
And that was our wonderful scheme! She had to figure out how much to pay us too…that turned out to be $2.05 each. $2.05 for a grande of whipped cream!!!!!!! Anna was there too, so it just got better…we couldn’t figure how to eat our whipped cream, so we decided that instead of using a boring spoon, we’d use a knife! We ate our whipped cream and waited for Anna to get off her shift so Rachel could take her home. She had to go by the Dollar Tree first, so we sneaked after them blaring our beautiful music all the way! Then we got there and discovered that Rachel and Anna didn’t want an umbrella *or* screwdrivers. :D After that, Aimee and I went to Chelsea’s house and hung out there for a while and ate chocolate muffins and drank milk. I got a little caught up with her, and then we headed home…the long way. We went home on the freeway and then drove around town looking for the cheapest gas. When we finally stopped for gas at the last station (with the same price as everywhere else in town), I went in and got a pop and had it all down by the time I got home (with a little help from Aimee). Then I was super high on caffeine! I went in, and did the dishes before heading downstairs to write a quick poem and plan today out before heading off to bed.
Today, I have to do viola and piano and all my jobs before going to work at 1:30-7:30. I miss Madison a lot right now! She’s at horse camp and she says that she’s really sore, but having a good time!
One thing I’m really looking forward to this week is Cameron’s open house! I’m really excited to see everyone and play SOCCER! (I’ve probably already said all this)
Also, for any of you who read my poem and saw Titanic: don’t you think that the title is so amazing???! It just came to me at about midnight last night! I loved it! :)
“What an idea. What a mad, crazy, wonderful idea.”
poem I wrote last off the press ;)
The Night was Alive (with a thousand voices):
A whiff of night air,
Calls softly to me
But I as a child
Must go to bed.
“Hurry to bed,”
Yes, that’s what they say,
But the night is so calm
And the air so clean.
Nay, but it’s weighed
With a thousand small voices,
Each singing a song
Enticing to me
To smell and to leave
Is torture to me;
How much I do long,
To run quick outside
To sneak to the road
And dance out my heart,
Adding my voice,
To those thousands of others,
Weaving ‘mist spirits
Trapped in night air,
If only I could
Join them tonight.
“Hurry to bed,”
They urge me along,
Farewell, sweet small voices
Till some other night
A whiff of night air,
Calls softly to me
But I as a child
Must go to bed.
“Hurry to bed,”
Yes, that’s what they say,
But the night is so calm
And the air so clean.
Nay, but it’s weighed
With a thousand small voices,
Each singing a song
Enticing to me
To smell and to leave
Is torture to me;
How much I do long,
To run quick outside
To sneak to the road
And dance out my heart,
Adding my voice,
To those thousands of others,
Weaving ‘mist spirits
Trapped in night air,
If only I could
Join them tonight.
“Hurry to bed,”
They urge me along,
Farewell, sweet small voices
Till some other night
Today's dose of Robert Frost
The Rose Family:
The rose is a rose,
And was always a rose.
But the theory now goes
That the apple’s a rose,
And the pear is, and so’s
The plum, I suppose.
The dear only knows
What will next prove a rose.
You, of course, are a rose—
But were always a rose.
Fireflies in the Garden:
Here come real stars to fill the upper skies,
And here on earth come emulating flies,
That though they never equal stars in size,
(And they were never really stars at heart)
Achieve at times a very star-like start.
Only, of course, they can’t sustain the part.
The Voice said, ‘Hurl her down!’
The Voices, ‘How far down?’
‘Seven levels of the world.’
‘How much time have we?’
‘Take twenty years.
She would refuse love safe with wealth and honor!
The lovely shall be choosers, shall they?
Then let them choose!
‘Then we shall let her choose?’
‘Yes, let her choose.
Take up the task beyond her choosing.’
Invisible hands crowded on her shoulder
In readiness to weigh upon her.
But she stood straight still,
In broad round ear-rings, gold and jet with pearls
And broad round suchlike brooch,
Her cheeks high colored,
Proud and the pride of friends.
The Voice asked, ‘You can let her choose?’
‘Yes, we can let her and still triumph.’
‘Do it by joys, and leave her always blameless.
Be her first joy her wedding,
That though a wedding,
Is yet – well, something they know, he and she,
And after that her next joy
That though she grieves, her grief is secret:
Those friends know nothing of her grief to make it shameful.
Her third joy that though now they cannot help but know,
They move in pleasure too far off
To think much or much care.
Give her a child at either knee for fourth joy
To tell once and once only, for them never to forget,
How once she walked in brightness,
And make them see it in the winter firelight.
But giver her friends for then she dare not tell
For their foregone incredulousness.
And be her next joy this:
Her never having deigned to tell them.
Maker her among the humblest even
Seem to them less than they are.
Hopeless of being known for what she has been,
Failing of being loved for what she is,
Give her the comfort for her sixth of knowing
She fails from strangeness to a way of life
She came to from too high too late to learn.
The send some one with eyes to see
And wonder at her where she is,
And words to wonder in her hearing how she came there,
Be her last joy her heart’s going out to this one
So that she almost speaks.
You know them – seven in all.’
Trust us,’ the Voices said.
Sitting by a Bush in Broad Sunlight:
When I spread out my hand here today,
I catch no more than a ray
To feel of between thumb and fingers;
No lasting effect of it lingers.
There was one time and only the one
When dust really took in the sun;
And from that one intake of fire
All creatures still warmly suspire.
And if men have watched a long time
And never seen sun-smitten slime
Again come to life and crawl off,
We must not be too ready to scoff.
God once declared he was true
And then took the veil and withdrew,
And remember how final a hush
Then descended of old on the bush.
God once spoke to people by name.
The sun once imparted its flame.
One impulse persists as our breath;
The other persists as our faith.
To Earthward:
Love at the lips was touch
As sweet as I could bear;
And once that seemed too much;
I lived on air
That crossed me from sweet things,
The flow of – was it musk
From hidden grapevine springs
Down hill at dusk?
I had the swirl and ache
From sprays of honeysuckle
That when they’re gathered shake
Dew on the knuckle.
I crave strong sweets, but those
Seemed strong when I was young;
The petal of the rose
It was that stung.
Now no joy but lacks salt
That is not dashed with pain
And weariness and fault;
I crave the stain
Of tear, the aftermark
Of almost too much love,
The sweet of bitter bark
And burning clove.
When stiff and sore and scarred
I take away my hand
From leaning on it hard
In grass and sand,
The hurt is not enough:
I long for weight and strength
To feel the earth as rough
To all my length.
The rose is a rose,
And was always a rose.
But the theory now goes
That the apple’s a rose,
And the pear is, and so’s
The plum, I suppose.
The dear only knows
What will next prove a rose.
You, of course, are a rose—
But were always a rose.
Fireflies in the Garden:
Here come real stars to fill the upper skies,
And here on earth come emulating flies,
That though they never equal stars in size,
(And they were never really stars at heart)
Achieve at times a very star-like start.
Only, of course, they can’t sustain the part.
The Voice said, ‘Hurl her down!’
The Voices, ‘How far down?’
‘Seven levels of the world.’
‘How much time have we?’
‘Take twenty years.
She would refuse love safe with wealth and honor!
The lovely shall be choosers, shall they?
Then let them choose!
‘Then we shall let her choose?’
‘Yes, let her choose.
Take up the task beyond her choosing.’
Invisible hands crowded on her shoulder
In readiness to weigh upon her.
But she stood straight still,
In broad round ear-rings, gold and jet with pearls
And broad round suchlike brooch,
Her cheeks high colored,
Proud and the pride of friends.
The Voice asked, ‘You can let her choose?’
‘Yes, we can let her and still triumph.’
‘Do it by joys, and leave her always blameless.
Be her first joy her wedding,
That though a wedding,
Is yet – well, something they know, he and she,
And after that her next joy
That though she grieves, her grief is secret:
Those friends know nothing of her grief to make it shameful.
Her third joy that though now they cannot help but know,
They move in pleasure too far off
To think much or much care.
Give her a child at either knee for fourth joy
To tell once and once only, for them never to forget,
How once she walked in brightness,
And make them see it in the winter firelight.
But giver her friends for then she dare not tell
For their foregone incredulousness.
And be her next joy this:
Her never having deigned to tell them.
Maker her among the humblest even
Seem to them less than they are.
Hopeless of being known for what she has been,
Failing of being loved for what she is,
Give her the comfort for her sixth of knowing
She fails from strangeness to a way of life
She came to from too high too late to learn.
The send some one with eyes to see
And wonder at her where she is,
And words to wonder in her hearing how she came there,
Be her last joy her heart’s going out to this one
So that she almost speaks.
You know them – seven in all.’
Trust us,’ the Voices said.
Sitting by a Bush in Broad Sunlight:
When I spread out my hand here today,
I catch no more than a ray
To feel of between thumb and fingers;
No lasting effect of it lingers.
There was one time and only the one
When dust really took in the sun;
And from that one intake of fire
All creatures still warmly suspire.
And if men have watched a long time
And never seen sun-smitten slime
Again come to life and crawl off,
We must not be too ready to scoff.
God once declared he was true
And then took the veil and withdrew,
And remember how final a hush
Then descended of old on the bush.
God once spoke to people by name.
The sun once imparted its flame.
One impulse persists as our breath;
The other persists as our faith.
To Earthward:
Love at the lips was touch
As sweet as I could bear;
And once that seemed too much;
I lived on air
That crossed me from sweet things,
The flow of – was it musk
From hidden grapevine springs
Down hill at dusk?
I had the swirl and ache
From sprays of honeysuckle
That when they’re gathered shake
Dew on the knuckle.
I crave strong sweets, but those
Seemed strong when I was young;
The petal of the rose
It was that stung.
Now no joy but lacks salt
That is not dashed with pain
And weariness and fault;
I crave the stain
Of tear, the aftermark
Of almost too much love,
The sweet of bitter bark
And burning clove.
When stiff and sore and scarred
I take away my hand
From leaning on it hard
In grass and sand,
The hurt is not enough:
I long for weight and strength
To feel the earth as rough
To all my length.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Ok, so today has been *reeeeeally* slow. I'm gonna try to pick it up and RUN! I'm hoping to go out with Aimee later and have a little coffee, we're gonna kick something off our bucket list!!!!!!! OOOOOOOH I CAN'T WAIT!!! :D We're gonna do some weird things! But we're gonna have a blast! Well, that is if she calls me soon!
Tomorrow I have work from 1:30-7:30 which I am looking forward to!
Thursday, I have work from 1:30-3:30 and then the wedding rehearsal at 5 pm.
Friday I have work at Mr. Nightengale's stand from 10-6. (Oh, and Anthony comes back this day!)
And Saturday, I have a wedding rehearsal at 9 and the wedding is at 11 and then we're going to Cam's open house at 3 I think...I *really* hope we play soccer there!! I can't wait to see Andi, and Marissa, and Erin, and Madison and Tori and everyone else!!
That's about it! Thanks for reading!
Tomorrow I have work from 1:30-7:30 which I am looking forward to!
Thursday, I have work from 1:30-3:30 and then the wedding rehearsal at 5 pm.
Friday I have work at Mr. Nightengale's stand from 10-6. (Oh, and Anthony comes back this day!)
And Saturday, I have a wedding rehearsal at 9 and the wedding is at 11 and then we're going to Cam's open house at 3 I think...I *really* hope we play soccer there!! I can't wait to see Andi, and Marissa, and Erin, and Madison and Tori and everyone else!!
That's about it! Thanks for reading!
Monday, June 14, 2010
My daily 5 poems of Robert Frost
Into My Own:
One of my wishes is that those dark trees,
So old and firm they scarcely show the breeze,
Were not, as ‘twere, the merest mask of gloom,
But stretched away unto the edge of doom.
I should not be withheld but that some day
Into their vastness I should steal away,
Fearless of ever finding open land,
Or highway where the slow wheel pours the sand.
I do not see why I should e’er turn back,
Or those should not set forth upon my track
To overtake me, who should miss me here
And long to know if still I held them dear.
They would not find me changed from him they knew—
Only more sure of all I thought was true
A Late Walk:
When I go up through the mowing field,
The headless aftermath,
Smooth-laid like thatch with the heavy dew,
Half closes the garden path.
And when I come to the garden ground,
The whir of sober birds
Up from the tangle of withered weeds
Is sadder than any words.
A tree beside the wall stands bare,
But a leaf that lingered brown,
Disturbed, I doubt not, by my thought,
Comes softly rattling down.
I end not far from my going forth
By picking the faded blue
Of the last remaining aster flower
To carry again to you.
Storm Fear:
When the wind works against us in the dark,
And pelts with snow
The lower chamber window on the east,
And whispers with a sort of stifled bark,
The beast,
‘Come out! Come out!’ –
It costs no inward struggle not to go,
Ah, no!
I count our strength,
Two and a child,
Those of us not asleep subdued to mark
How the cold creeps as the fire dies at length,
How drifts are piled,
Dooryard and road ungraded,
Till even the comforting barn grows far away,
And my heart owns a doubt
Whether ‘tis in us to arise with day
And save ourselves unaided.
Wind and the Window Flower:
Lovers, forget your love,
And list to the love of these,
She a window flower,
And he a winter breeze.
When the frosty window veil
Was melted down at noon,
And the caged yellow bird
Hung over her in tune,
He marked her through the pane
He could not help but mark,
And only passed her by,
To come again at dark.
He was a winter wind,
Concerned with ice and snow,
Dead weeds and unmated birds,
And little of love could know.
But he sighted upon the sill,
He gave the sash a shake,
As witness all within
Who lay that night awake.
Perchance he half prevailed
To win her for the flight
From the firelit looking-glass
And warm stove-window light.
But the flower leaned aside
And thought of naught to say,
And morning found the breeze
A hundred miles away.
A Prayer in Spring:
Oh, give us pleasure in the flowers to-day;
And give us not to think so far away
As the uncertain harvest; keep us here
All simply in the springing of the year.
Oh, give us pleasure in the orchard white,
Like nothing else by day, like ghosts by night;
And make us happy in the happy bees,
The swarm dilating round the perfect trees
And make us happy in the darting bird
That suddenly above the bees is heard,
The meteor that thrust in with needle bill,
And off a blossom in mid-air stands still.
For this is love and nothing else is love,
The which it is reserved for God above
To sanctify to what far ends He will,
But which it only needs that we fulfill.
One of my wishes is that those dark trees,
So old and firm they scarcely show the breeze,
Were not, as ‘twere, the merest mask of gloom,
But stretched away unto the edge of doom.
I should not be withheld but that some day
Into their vastness I should steal away,
Fearless of ever finding open land,
Or highway where the slow wheel pours the sand.
I do not see why I should e’er turn back,
Or those should not set forth upon my track
To overtake me, who should miss me here
And long to know if still I held them dear.
They would not find me changed from him they knew—
Only more sure of all I thought was true
A Late Walk:
When I go up through the mowing field,
The headless aftermath,
Smooth-laid like thatch with the heavy dew,
Half closes the garden path.
And when I come to the garden ground,
The whir of sober birds
Up from the tangle of withered weeds
Is sadder than any words.
A tree beside the wall stands bare,
But a leaf that lingered brown,
Disturbed, I doubt not, by my thought,
Comes softly rattling down.
I end not far from my going forth
By picking the faded blue
Of the last remaining aster flower
To carry again to you.
Storm Fear:
When the wind works against us in the dark,
And pelts with snow
The lower chamber window on the east,
And whispers with a sort of stifled bark,
The beast,
‘Come out! Come out!’ –
It costs no inward struggle not to go,
Ah, no!
I count our strength,
Two and a child,
Those of us not asleep subdued to mark
How the cold creeps as the fire dies at length,
How drifts are piled,
Dooryard and road ungraded,
Till even the comforting barn grows far away,
And my heart owns a doubt
Whether ‘tis in us to arise with day
And save ourselves unaided.
Wind and the Window Flower:
Lovers, forget your love,
And list to the love of these,
She a window flower,
And he a winter breeze.
When the frosty window veil
Was melted down at noon,
And the caged yellow bird
Hung over her in tune,
He marked her through the pane
He could not help but mark,
And only passed her by,
To come again at dark.
He was a winter wind,
Concerned with ice and snow,
Dead weeds and unmated birds,
And little of love could know.
But he sighted upon the sill,
He gave the sash a shake,
As witness all within
Who lay that night awake.
Perchance he half prevailed
To win her for the flight
From the firelit looking-glass
And warm stove-window light.
But the flower leaned aside
And thought of naught to say,
And morning found the breeze
A hundred miles away.
A Prayer in Spring:
Oh, give us pleasure in the flowers to-day;
And give us not to think so far away
As the uncertain harvest; keep us here
All simply in the springing of the year.
Oh, give us pleasure in the orchard white,
Like nothing else by day, like ghosts by night;
And make us happy in the happy bees,
The swarm dilating round the perfect trees
And make us happy in the darting bird
That suddenly above the bees is heard,
The meteor that thrust in with needle bill,
And off a blossom in mid-air stands still.
For this is love and nothing else is love,
The which it is reserved for God above
To sanctify to what far ends He will,
But which it only needs that we fulfill.
Of Quotes and Books
“You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me” C.S. Lewis
“Any patch of sunlight in a wood will show you something about the sun which you could never get from reading books on astronomy. These pure and spontaneous pleasures are “patches of Godlight” in the woods of our experience.” C.S. Lewis
“God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pains: it is His megaphone to rouse a def world.” C.S. Lewis
“Pain is important because it awakens us from the illusion that all is well in the universe. It reminds us that we are a fallen race living in a fallen world and that we need help from outside ourselves to heal the effects of our fallenness. This is why Lewis called pan a megaphone to rouse a deaf world.” – from the book The Spiritual Legacy of C.S. Lewis
Books I want to read over the summer:
Problem of Pain by C.S. Lewis (along with other books by him)
Phantastes by George MacDonald
(I am hoping to add to this list soon!)
“Any patch of sunlight in a wood will show you something about the sun which you could never get from reading books on astronomy. These pure and spontaneous pleasures are “patches of Godlight” in the woods of our experience.” C.S. Lewis
“God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pains: it is His megaphone to rouse a def world.” C.S. Lewis
“Pain is important because it awakens us from the illusion that all is well in the universe. It reminds us that we are a fallen race living in a fallen world and that we need help from outside ourselves to heal the effects of our fallenness. This is why Lewis called pan a megaphone to rouse a deaf world.” – from the book The Spiritual Legacy of C.S. Lewis
Books I want to read over the summer:
Problem of Pain by C.S. Lewis (along with other books by him)
Phantastes by George MacDonald
(I am hoping to add to this list soon!)
Sermon notes from 6.13.10
If you don’t care to interpret the Bible, then why read it?
References for the sermon: Luke 20: 9-20, 20-26. Luke 19: 45-48. Luke 21:1-4.
How do you have this authority, they ask? Where does it come from? Why do you drive the people from the temple and teach them?
There were four different groups who tried to trap Christ. They all left being humiliated. After this, he warns the people of these groups and tells of their wrong-doing. (Look before for the context: Matthew 23:1-7, 13-17, 23-28, and 33-36) (Looking after for the context: Luke 21:5-27)
Luke 21 1-4: The pastor was pointing out in this sermon that there are typically many different lessons taken from this passage/story. But he was trying to point out to us the little things that you never would have noticed. I really enjoyed this sermon because he likes to take time to “stop and smell the roses.” He wants us to actually understand what is being said in a passage and so he picks it apart, piece by piece. Hate to say it, but I was actually a little glad that our normal pastor was out of town this week, because I got to hear a wonderful sermon. Speaking on the passage: He (Christ) never said that one group was bad (the two groups being the widow, and the teachers of the law). He never said that. It didn’t matter the attitude with which the money was given. It didn’t matter how much was left over afterwards or what the person’s income was (other than in this case one was poor and the others were rather rich). These are typical conclusions drawn from this small passage. He encouraged us to look beyond those and seek the real meaning of it all.
Side note: two copper coins at that time would have equaled about 1/8 of a penny today.
My guess before he told us the real meaning for the passage was that, the earthly things don’t matter and we should be willing to give everything for Him if he asks it of us. (I still don’t know why I guessed that)
The real reason is so very simple! If you read Luke 20:47, you will see it right away. Jesus was just pointing out how the teachers of the law, and the priests were stealing and robbing *everything* from the widows. Back then, they believed that if someone was a widow, it was for a reason. God was punishing her for something. Jesus was angry because these men were stealing from the widows…and the story of the widow was Jesus pointing out exactly how they were doing it! She was proof that they were thieves and robbers of the helpless. We are commanded to help the widows and orphans, and instead we turn around and steal every last penny of theirs. She had nothing left over.
References for the sermon: Luke 20: 9-20, 20-26. Luke 19: 45-48. Luke 21:1-4.
How do you have this authority, they ask? Where does it come from? Why do you drive the people from the temple and teach them?
There were four different groups who tried to trap Christ. They all left being humiliated. After this, he warns the people of these groups and tells of their wrong-doing. (Look before for the context: Matthew 23:1-7, 13-17, 23-28, and 33-36) (Looking after for the context: Luke 21:5-27)
Luke 21 1-4: The pastor was pointing out in this sermon that there are typically many different lessons taken from this passage/story. But he was trying to point out to us the little things that you never would have noticed. I really enjoyed this sermon because he likes to take time to “stop and smell the roses.” He wants us to actually understand what is being said in a passage and so he picks it apart, piece by piece. Hate to say it, but I was actually a little glad that our normal pastor was out of town this week, because I got to hear a wonderful sermon. Speaking on the passage: He (Christ) never said that one group was bad (the two groups being the widow, and the teachers of the law). He never said that. It didn’t matter the attitude with which the money was given. It didn’t matter how much was left over afterwards or what the person’s income was (other than in this case one was poor and the others were rather rich). These are typical conclusions drawn from this small passage. He encouraged us to look beyond those and seek the real meaning of it all.
Side note: two copper coins at that time would have equaled about 1/8 of a penny today.
My guess before he told us the real meaning for the passage was that, the earthly things don’t matter and we should be willing to give everything for Him if he asks it of us. (I still don’t know why I guessed that)
The real reason is so very simple! If you read Luke 20:47, you will see it right away. Jesus was just pointing out how the teachers of the law, and the priests were stealing and robbing *everything* from the widows. Back then, they believed that if someone was a widow, it was for a reason. God was punishing her for something. Jesus was angry because these men were stealing from the widows…and the story of the widow was Jesus pointing out exactly how they were doing it! She was proof that they were thieves and robbers of the helpless. We are commanded to help the widows and orphans, and instead we turn around and steal every last penny of theirs. She had nothing left over.
Notes from this week Sunday School
There is not just one Anti-Christ… “Every spirit is the Anti-Christ” meaning that there is obviously more than just one. In fact, we could say that every pagan is an Anti-Christ. But none is *the* one and only Anti-Christ.
Read the context in order to understand the passage. Read around the one passage…before and after.
Read the context in order to understand the passage. Read around the one passage…before and after.
Some notes from Sunday school a while back
Christianity is not just over family/church realms. It must apply to every life issue. Religion is not about emotions/feelings. You can’t let your life/spirituality be ruled by emotions. People turn to Pentecostalism when there is an economic downfall. We are gradually being dumbed down. You cannot understand a text without understanding the context. Understand the sentence, you must understand the paragraph, before the paragraph, the chapter etc. We are so dumbed down on the idea of love now-a-days, that that is how we apply our love to God. How are we supposed to know how to truly love God? Imagine a wheel: faith or religion is the center of the wheel, while family, education, legal, etc. are the spokes and the outside is the wheel is Christianity. Lose anything and your wheel will fall apart. Most Christians haven’t thought through these things, so it is a challenge to influence/change them. Capital punishment is Christian. We are not saved by law or Words. We cannot assist with our salvation. It is not our works, but Christ’s.
Ok, it is high time that I owe all of you a blog post about my life and what I have been up to lately.
Ever since tour, I have been trying desperately to get caught up on all of my lost sleep, and failing miserably. Every night is either filled with constant nightmares, restless tossing and turning, or getting to bed late and getting up early just because. This has not been very helpful at all.
Monday was the HSMA picnic so I got to see all my long lost tour buddies whom I hadn’t seen since Saturday night at about 11 pm. It had been a very long Sunday and Monday till Monday night came and we got to be reunited again.
Tuesday was a big day of school for me, since I had gotten sadly behind due to tour and unpacking and resting.
Wednesday, I worked at Whitney’s for the first half of the day, and then came home for school, jobs, and music, before going off to another babysitting job in the evening.
Thursday was once again filled with hectic school, before it ended with frisbee golf.
Friday, I finally finished my hateful Algebra!! Made my day! Then, in the evening, we went up to David’s open house. It was pretty boring when I first go there, so I sat at the edge of the soccer field under a nice big tree and read my sociology CLEP book until Madison got there!! We walked and talked and ate a little bit before we decided to join the soccer game! *Then* the fun really began. I had no idea how much I really missed playing that amazing game! Sadly, I didn’t get to play much before we had to leave.
Saturday, I babysat for about 12 hours. My first job was from 7-1:15 and my other one from 1:30-7. That was amazingly tiring. In the morning, I think I should point out, that I watched four kids. In the evening, I got home, showered, cleaned the house, and then played on the computer. So all in all, I didn’t get to bed till 10:30.
Sunday was church, and then off to Rebekah and Kevin’s wedding shower for a few hours. Then there was evening church followed directly by playing frisbee golf with all the Woods. I walked the course and collected a beautiful bouquet of wildflowers for my mom who hasn’t been feeling well lately. Then we went home and had dinner before we headed back to the Wood’s house. We got there at 9:15. The parents played cribbage and we kids went to the living room to play. The whole time we were there, the kids played Pit. Well, they all played and I only agreed to join if we played the silent way. That was almost, no, I’d say just as fun as the soccer game at David’s open house. We came home late from that and I went straight to bed!
Today was filled with cleaning and relaxation. Tomorrow should be the same. Hurrah!
Ever since tour, I have been trying desperately to get caught up on all of my lost sleep, and failing miserably. Every night is either filled with constant nightmares, restless tossing and turning, or getting to bed late and getting up early just because. This has not been very helpful at all.
Monday was the HSMA picnic so I got to see all my long lost tour buddies whom I hadn’t seen since Saturday night at about 11 pm. It had been a very long Sunday and Monday till Monday night came and we got to be reunited again.
Tuesday was a big day of school for me, since I had gotten sadly behind due to tour and unpacking and resting.
Wednesday, I worked at Whitney’s for the first half of the day, and then came home for school, jobs, and music, before going off to another babysitting job in the evening.
Thursday was once again filled with hectic school, before it ended with frisbee golf.
Friday, I finally finished my hateful Algebra!! Made my day! Then, in the evening, we went up to David’s open house. It was pretty boring when I first go there, so I sat at the edge of the soccer field under a nice big tree and read my sociology CLEP book until Madison got there!! We walked and talked and ate a little bit before we decided to join the soccer game! *Then* the fun really began. I had no idea how much I really missed playing that amazing game! Sadly, I didn’t get to play much before we had to leave.
Saturday, I babysat for about 12 hours. My first job was from 7-1:15 and my other one from 1:30-7. That was amazingly tiring. In the morning, I think I should point out, that I watched four kids. In the evening, I got home, showered, cleaned the house, and then played on the computer. So all in all, I didn’t get to bed till 10:30.
Sunday was church, and then off to Rebekah and Kevin’s wedding shower for a few hours. Then there was evening church followed directly by playing frisbee golf with all the Woods. I walked the course and collected a beautiful bouquet of wildflowers for my mom who hasn’t been feeling well lately. Then we went home and had dinner before we headed back to the Wood’s house. We got there at 9:15. The parents played cribbage and we kids went to the living room to play. The whole time we were there, the kids played Pit. Well, they all played and I only agreed to join if we played the silent way. That was almost, no, I’d say just as fun as the soccer game at David’s open house. We came home late from that and I went straight to bed!
Today was filled with cleaning and relaxation. Tomorrow should be the same. Hurrah!
Friday, June 11, 2010
Random for y'all
I love the GMH stories:
A month ago, my boyfriend broke up with me.
I was at the mall by myself, no makeup, wearing sweats, tears streaming down my face. There was a group of guys walking and laughing.
One of them came up to me and told me I looked beautiful. He then proceeded to ask me if I was alright.
Strangers GMH.
One day I passed a woman walking two dogs.
One was missing a leg, but they were both limping. I asked what happened.
She explained that the injured dog had lost his leg, and that the other dog was copying him so he wouldn’t feel alone.
Caring pets GMH.
Some randomness:
Your Inspirational Quote
Tuesday June 08, 2010
Hi Sarah,
Did you know...
... that today is Upsy Daisy Day? This day reminds
people to get up gloriously, gratefully, and gleefully
each morning. Really, it can be done! ;-)
Today's Inspirational Quote:
"People travel to wonder at the height of the
mountains, at the huge waves of the seas, at the long
course of the rivers, at the vast compass of the ocean,
at the circular motion of the stars, and yet they pass
by themselves without wondering."
-- St. Augustine
"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
John 16:33
* All true theology should lead to doxology.
* What advertising agencies do for their clients, we're called to do for Christ.
And that's it! I've been super busy with babysitting lately, but am resting today before working tomorrow from 7-5. Mr. Nightengale needs me now, so I'll start working there too. Tonight, we'll be going to David's open house...can't wait to see everyone MADISON! :) Yup, that's pretty much it.
A month ago, my boyfriend broke up with me.
I was at the mall by myself, no makeup, wearing sweats, tears streaming down my face. There was a group of guys walking and laughing.
One of them came up to me and told me I looked beautiful. He then proceeded to ask me if I was alright.
Strangers GMH.
One day I passed a woman walking two dogs.
One was missing a leg, but they were both limping. I asked what happened.
She explained that the injured dog had lost his leg, and that the other dog was copying him so he wouldn’t feel alone.
Caring pets GMH.
Some randomness:
Your Inspirational Quote
Tuesday June 08, 2010
Hi Sarah,
Did you know...
... that today is Upsy Daisy Day? This day reminds
people to get up gloriously, gratefully, and gleefully
each morning. Really, it can be done! ;-)
Today's Inspirational Quote:
"People travel to wonder at the height of the
mountains, at the huge waves of the seas, at the long
course of the rivers, at the vast compass of the ocean,
at the circular motion of the stars, and yet they pass
by themselves without wondering."
-- St. Augustine
"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
John 16:33
* All true theology should lead to doxology.
* What advertising agencies do for their clients, we're called to do for Christ.
And that's it! I've been super busy with babysitting lately, but am resting today before working tomorrow from 7-5. Mr. Nightengale needs me now, so I'll start working there too. Tonight, we'll be going to David's open house...can't wait to see everyone MADISON! :) Yup, that's pretty much it.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
My Tour Experience
Yesterday was the beginning of tour. I have been very busy the whole time and so haven’t been able to write about it till now. Wednesday morning began with a huge thunderstorm right before we left. I spent forever making lists of what to pack, and packing. Finally, we left 30 minutes late. When we arrived up in DeWitt where the bus was, it was still raining and storming pretty bad. It wasn’t long before everyone’s stuff was packed away/on the bus. Rachel, Elaine, Tim Frazee, Ian, Jon, Mrs. Bowman, Mrs. Dufrin, my mom, and I were in the van for the first stint. The van pulled the trailer with percussion, sleeping bags, and uniforms in it. After about 2 ½ hours, we all stopped at a rest stop and we got to ride in the bus finally. Everyone was supposed to be on a stint in the van for approximately 2 ½ hours in all. I got to sit with Madison for a while until we got told that the van broke down (this happened at about the same time last year). So we had to go back and pick up all those people in the van plus the percussion stuff. We were *extremely* squished. In two seats, we managed to fit Erin, Elaine, Madison and myself on top of them. We remained this way for about an hour. At this point, we arrived at the hotel in Heath, Ohio where we’d be staying that night. We unpacked and changed into our tour t-shirts and jeans (because our uniforms were in the trailer on the broken van). We then travelled (squished again) to our first concert about 30 minutes away in Newark. We played at this church last year also. That concert was fun, especially after it was done, because it began to start pouring outside and there was a lot of wind plus flash flood warnings and tornado warnings. Shortly after, it not only began to thunder and lightening, but the tornado siren went off too!! It was so much fun! I was so excited! I grabbed Madison and ran outside where we proceeded to dancing in the rain and splash in the puddles! We got soaked all the way up to my knees (my clothes still aren’t dry as of this morning). Soon after this, we headed back to our hotel. I was supposed to be under the care of Mrs. Dufrin in the room with Ellen, Marlin, and Amber, but I asked my mom if I could sleep the night with her, my sister, Christy, Tori and Madison!! And she said YES! Elaine came in for a while also, and we had a wild party. I had soooo much fun plotting and scheming with them. If you’re interested in what we did, you should ask me sometime. Our curfew was supposed to be at 11 pm, but I didn’t get into bed till about 1:30. I woke up at 6:20 and ran back to my original room to grab a shower and pack up. After that, I went and got my coffee for the morning and then had all my stuff outside by about 7:20 am. We boarded the bus according t middle names and here we are at another concert and about to go on.
I’m home at last and now must finish my story of tour. That concert was at a retirement home called Sunrise at Gahanna which was very nice. After that concert, we went to a new hotel in Marysville OH, where we had a lot of time to unpack, settle in, relax, and have tons of fun. There was a pool there, but we weren’t allowed to swim. They did, however get a game of frisbee golf going until Elaine got hit in the eye with the frisbee. Shortly after, she left for the ER, and we left for our next concert in Plain City, OH. That was probably one of my favorite concerts on tour. We also had to wear our uniforms for this one, since we were able to get them back. Elaine was supposed to give the testimony for orchestra that night (we had one person from each group get up at the concert and share how HSMA has been influenced their life), but since she was at the ER, I volunteered to do it instead (don’t ask me why, I still don’t know). We had dinner their before we played and that was nice. I got to meet a ton of new people there and that was fun too! After a short bit, we left to go back to the hotel. Elaine was back when we got to the hotel and she seemed to be doing a little better. I stayed up late helping to make sandwiches for everyone the next day. I also stayed the night with Madison and Tori again. I specifically remember how my mom wouldn’t turn off the light that night and she would stay up and text. Madison, Tori and I were all sharing a bed and couldn’t get to sleep. We threatened to go tell on my mom, and finally she turned off the light. Almost immediately, Madison and I began to giggle uncontrollably (Tori was more or less asleep). My mom mentioned that we sounded like chipmunks. So we decided that we’d be the three chipmunks (Tori included although she wasn’t giggling). The next day, we decided that Tori would be Alvin, Madison was Simeon, and I was Theodore…fun stuff, huh? I got about four hours of sleep, before I woke up bright and early to go down and have my morning coffee.
The next day, we didn’t leave till later because Elaine had a doctor’s visit at 8:15 and we had to wait for her to come back. In the mean time, Erin and I had the best fun ever dropping leaves on a couple of the guys (like Ian, Cam, and Andrew). They ended up chasing us all over…now *that* was great fun. When Elaine got back, we boarded the bus according to eye color (I got to sit next to Madison and Tori) and headed off to the Air Force Museum. We got to go on the Presidential Tour and then walk around a little bit before leaving to go to another hotel, this time in Dayton OH. This one was really *really* bad…everything was broken or breaking and the room smelled really bad. The hotel itself was basically in the ghetto part of town. Due to this, there was a rule that no girls (no matter how many) could go anywhere without a male escort. We left shortly to head off to our last concert. This had been a very long day and therefore, the majority of us were falling asleep during the concert. After the concert, Madison had an asthma attack which was very frightening as I had never really witnessed one before. I never felt so helpless before. She left after a little while, for the Urgent Care with Tori, and my mom, so the rest of us returned to the ghetto hotel. Although I was still very worried about Madison, I managed to be distracted thanks to many of my wonderful friends who greatly encouraged me. We had a large group run across the street to the Marathon station and get a ton of pop/monsters/coffee/sugar but since I had lost my wallet the first day, I couldn’t get anything. At this point, my wonderful brother stepped in and offered to get me something. I asked if I could have Root Beer (I have been brought up on root beer since I was little) and he proceeded to go in and get me a 2 liter Root Beer and come out and shock me to death! I love him so much. :) After partying for a while longer, we retired to bed. This night, I slept with my original group (Mrs. Dufrin as chaperone, Ellen, Marlin, and Amber.)
After 3 hours of sleep, I woke at 5:30 and headed down for…whoops, no coffee here, so I guess I’ll just have some more root beer. Madison was back and I have never been so glad to see her. We packed up and left after a little while to head back to the Air Force Museum for the rest of the day. It was very long but very enjoyable. While there, we got to see the Hubble movie at IMAX and then eat lunch outside. After that, we boarded the bus according to pizza toppings and after 15 minutes, we arrived at the cute little pizza place for dinner which I believe was also in Dayton. After a delish meal (of which I had about 4 bites), we loaded back on the bus (this time according to birthdays) and began our trek home. Just after we got on, I found my wallet tucked between a seat and the window (what are the odds???) and then we stopped at a rest stop where I loaded up on Skittles and also received a Dr. Pepper (I was running out of root beer). Hours later, after giggling insanely forever and after the most amazing ride of my life, we arrived in DeWitt. We all helped unload and clean up the bus before having to hug all of our friends goodbye. I got to sleep in this morning till about 10 for which I am *very* thankful for. In all, I believe that I got 12 hours of sleep in the 4 days and 3 nights that I was away.
I got to spend time with my wonderful friends: Elaine Bowman, Madison Dys, Tori Dys, Amber Keilen, Christy Keilen, Ellen Miller, Emily Pohl, Rachel Skiba, Erin Swett, Heather Case, Andrea Chester, and Marissa Chester. I also to get to know Marlin Dugan, Becca Holderread, Kelsey Lamp, Kelcey Wixtrom, and Wendy Bullock.
I will probably have work tomorrow, and then I will be going to the HSMA picnic. I am praying already for a peaceful and relaxing week!
Yesterday was the beginning of tour. I have been very busy the whole time and so haven’t been able to write about it till now. Wednesday morning began with a huge thunderstorm right before we left. I spent forever making lists of what to pack, and packing. Finally, we left 30 minutes late. When we arrived up in DeWitt where the bus was, it was still raining and storming pretty bad. It wasn’t long before everyone’s stuff was packed away/on the bus. Rachel, Elaine, Tim Frazee, Ian, Jon, Mrs. Bowman, Mrs. Dufrin, my mom, and I were in the van for the first stint. The van pulled the trailer with percussion, sleeping bags, and uniforms in it. After about 2 ½ hours, we all stopped at a rest stop and we got to ride in the bus finally. Everyone was supposed to be on a stint in the van for approximately 2 ½ hours in all. I got to sit with Madison for a while until we got told that the van broke down (this happened at about the same time last year). So we had to go back and pick up all those people in the van plus the percussion stuff. We were *extremely* squished. In two seats, we managed to fit Erin, Elaine, Madison and myself on top of them. We remained this way for about an hour. At this point, we arrived at the hotel in Heath, Ohio where we’d be staying that night. We unpacked and changed into our tour t-shirts and jeans (because our uniforms were in the trailer on the broken van). We then travelled (squished again) to our first concert about 30 minutes away in Newark. We played at this church last year also. That concert was fun, especially after it was done, because it began to start pouring outside and there was a lot of wind plus flash flood warnings and tornado warnings. Shortly after, it not only began to thunder and lightening, but the tornado siren went off too!! It was so much fun! I was so excited! I grabbed Madison and ran outside where we proceeded to dancing in the rain and splash in the puddles! We got soaked all the way up to my knees (my clothes still aren’t dry as of this morning). Soon after this, we headed back to our hotel. I was supposed to be under the care of Mrs. Dufrin in the room with Ellen, Marlin, and Amber, but I asked my mom if I could sleep the night with her, my sister, Christy, Tori and Madison!! And she said YES! Elaine came in for a while also, and we had a wild party. I had soooo much fun plotting and scheming with them. If you’re interested in what we did, you should ask me sometime. Our curfew was supposed to be at 11 pm, but I didn’t get into bed till about 1:30. I woke up at 6:20 and ran back to my original room to grab a shower and pack up. After that, I went and got my coffee for the morning and then had all my stuff outside by about 7:20 am. We boarded the bus according t middle names and here we are at another concert and about to go on.
I’m home at last and now must finish my story of tour. That concert was at a retirement home called Sunrise at Gahanna which was very nice. After that concert, we went to a new hotel in Marysville OH, where we had a lot of time to unpack, settle in, relax, and have tons of fun. There was a pool there, but we weren’t allowed to swim. They did, however get a game of frisbee golf going until Elaine got hit in the eye with the frisbee. Shortly after, she left for the ER, and we left for our next concert in Plain City, OH. That was probably one of my favorite concerts on tour. We also had to wear our uniforms for this one, since we were able to get them back. Elaine was supposed to give the testimony for orchestra that night (we had one person from each group get up at the concert and share how HSMA has been influenced their life), but since she was at the ER, I volunteered to do it instead (don’t ask me why, I still don’t know). We had dinner their before we played and that was nice. I got to meet a ton of new people there and that was fun too! After a short bit, we left to go back to the hotel. Elaine was back when we got to the hotel and she seemed to be doing a little better. I stayed up late helping to make sandwiches for everyone the next day. I also stayed the night with Madison and Tori again. I specifically remember how my mom wouldn’t turn off the light that night and she would stay up and text. Madison, Tori and I were all sharing a bed and couldn’t get to sleep. We threatened to go tell on my mom, and finally she turned off the light. Almost immediately, Madison and I began to giggle uncontrollably (Tori was more or less asleep). My mom mentioned that we sounded like chipmunks. So we decided that we’d be the three chipmunks (Tori included although she wasn’t giggling). The next day, we decided that Tori would be Alvin, Madison was Simeon, and I was Theodore…fun stuff, huh? I got about four hours of sleep, before I woke up bright and early to go down and have my morning coffee.
The next day, we didn’t leave till later because Elaine had a doctor’s visit at 8:15 and we had to wait for her to come back. In the mean time, Erin and I had the best fun ever dropping leaves on a couple of the guys (like Ian, Cam, and Andrew). They ended up chasing us all over…now *that* was great fun. When Elaine got back, we boarded the bus according to eye color (I got to sit next to Madison and Tori) and headed off to the Air Force Museum. We got to go on the Presidential Tour and then walk around a little bit before leaving to go to another hotel, this time in Dayton OH. This one was really *really* bad…everything was broken or breaking and the room smelled really bad. The hotel itself was basically in the ghetto part of town. Due to this, there was a rule that no girls (no matter how many) could go anywhere without a male escort. We left shortly to head off to our last concert. This had been a very long day and therefore, the majority of us were falling asleep during the concert. After the concert, Madison had an asthma attack which was very frightening as I had never really witnessed one before. I never felt so helpless before. She left after a little while, for the Urgent Care with Tori, and my mom, so the rest of us returned to the ghetto hotel. Although I was still very worried about Madison, I managed to be distracted thanks to many of my wonderful friends who greatly encouraged me. We had a large group run across the street to the Marathon station and get a ton of pop/monsters/coffee/sugar but since I had lost my wallet the first day, I couldn’t get anything. At this point, my wonderful brother stepped in and offered to get me something. I asked if I could have Root Beer (I have been brought up on root beer since I was little) and he proceeded to go in and get me a 2 liter Root Beer and come out and shock me to death! I love him so much. :) After partying for a while longer, we retired to bed. This night, I slept with my original group (Mrs. Dufrin as chaperone, Ellen, Marlin, and Amber.)
After 3 hours of sleep, I woke at 5:30 and headed down for…whoops, no coffee here, so I guess I’ll just have some more root beer. Madison was back and I have never been so glad to see her. We packed up and left after a little while to head back to the Air Force Museum for the rest of the day. It was very long but very enjoyable. While there, we got to see the Hubble movie at IMAX and then eat lunch outside. After that, we boarded the bus according to pizza toppings and after 15 minutes, we arrived at the cute little pizza place for dinner which I believe was also in Dayton. After a delish meal (of which I had about 4 bites), we loaded back on the bus (this time according to birthdays) and began our trek home. Just after we got on, I found my wallet tucked between a seat and the window (what are the odds???) and then we stopped at a rest stop where I loaded up on Skittles and also received a Dr. Pepper (I was running out of root beer). Hours later, after giggling insanely forever and after the most amazing ride of my life, we arrived in DeWitt. We all helped unload and clean up the bus before having to hug all of our friends goodbye. I got to sleep in this morning till about 10 for which I am *very* thankful for. In all, I believe that I got 12 hours of sleep in the 4 days and 3 nights that I was away.
I got to spend time with my wonderful friends: Elaine Bowman, Madison Dys, Tori Dys, Amber Keilen, Christy Keilen, Ellen Miller, Emily Pohl, Rachel Skiba, Erin Swett, Heather Case, Andrea Chester, and Marissa Chester. I also to get to know Marlin Dugan, Becca Holderread, Kelsey Lamp, Kelcey Wixtrom, and Wendy Bullock.
I will probably have work tomorrow, and then I will be going to the HSMA picnic. I am praying already for a peaceful and relaxing week!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Hey, just wanted to let y'all know that I'm going to be gone for a while! So I won't be posting at all till Sunday, k? Thanks all!!
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