Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Blessed By Life

Life has kept me very busy these last few days...jumping back into life from the holiday break was exhausting. It's been I've been trying to re-orient my life better. Who hasn't, right? However...I still have the very big challenge of being able to shut off my computer and actually do school. It's so easy to be like, "Well, the wifi is actually on right now! If I don't take advantage of it right now then later when I'm actually FREE then it won't be on! I can't waste good wifi time!". BAD IDEA. Worst idea ever, to be honest. Just don't...don't ever get any technology device! Hide away in your cave and do intelligent things for the rest of your life. Take my advice now................except if you're reading this then it's obviously too late.

Anyways...I'm straying...I'm without coffee and it's late. I apologize. So...I've been working to cut back on stress. I'm a person who thrives off of stress. When I am freaking out and going nuts, yet somehow in control of a lot, then I am happiest. Let me tell you...Rachel's wedding was pretty much heaven for me. That's why...if I wasn't seriously wanting to go into occupational therapy I would be a wedding coordinator. SO, I've been trying to see more good than bad...because if I focus so much on the bad then it will be a huge stress on me and my health.

The other morning was just awful for me...I *know* without a doubt I set my alarm the night before for 8:30...and I went to bed at about 11 so it's not like it was late or I was exhausted! So anyways...alarm didn't go mom came down at the time we were supposed to leave and asked if I still had work that morning...I did. Well, I rolled out of makeup, no cleaning up from the night, no shower, nothing with my hair..I really just pulled on jeans and a hoodie and grumbled out to the car. But that morning I just had Peas...she was it! And while she sat and played by herself for a few minutes I sat and wrote down bad vs. good...the good things of the day/morning and the bad things too. After a while it just turned to good mind was so happy to find all these little "cheeries" (as I call them) that I didn't even think about any bad thing.

Watching 13 kids tonight for a couples' Bible study gave me a really good opportunity to practice focusing on the good...keeping my patience...and managing them all at one time. I was extremely grateful when Aimee showed up a few minutes early (she was my ride home) and helped keep the olders entertained. I got out of there and we stopped by Walmart and Meijers to pick up gluten/dairy free foods and some sugar for our movie marathon on Friday. So pumped. I really am. Good food, good show, all day, awesome friends...I'm really excited to be able to get away if only for a day.

Motto of the...month? So far week: STAY POSITIVE! FOCUS ON GOOD!

1 comment:

Amanda Pendergast said...

Good thoughts Sarah! It's so much easier to look at the negative, but the positive is what will keep us shining as a light. =) God bless!