Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Truth and Trust

Something invaluable that I've learned lately is that truth is so key to life. Throughout my life I've been constantly finding that certain key attributes are inescapable...I mean they are all important. You just read through Scripture and you find that God commands so much of us. But one of the most important things that you need in order to live a healthy and happy life with functioning relationships is open and honest truth. Nothing held back or hidden. I mean, sometimes it's okay and even better if you do, but as a whole, truth is essential.

If you screw up and live a lie, it is not small or easy to overlook...soon it becomes everything you're involved in. It gets spun bigger and bigger and soon that lie is what guides and directs your life. Then it's not just one or two people who are involved but many different people, even families. And the truth always does come out. Everyone must face truth and reality sometime. When it does, relationships are severed and people are hurt. Trust has been breached and is not easily gained back. Even during the walk to regain trust, it is hard work. When the least little thing that comes up and is questioned and no one knows what happened or who did it, you are looked at and blamed for it since no one can believe your words since you have lied before and hid it.

Trust gained once and broken is hard to regain back. Once you have it back if it is ever broken again will probably not return. Don't ever take trust for granted. Trust is a beautiful and glorious thing...especially when it is from your parents or family. If you are ever in a situation where that trust is broken or severed, you must buckle down and commit yourself to always being honest, open, and trust-worthy. It will require much strength and determination because the path is not easy. But once you are on that path of recovery the worst thing you could ever possibly do is to screw it up again by lying or doing things that would cause your honesty or trust-worthiness to be called into question. You must consider every word out of your mouth. Is it beneficial...is it truthful...is it encouraging and honest? Will it help build up others? Or build up myself instead?

If you have the trust of anyone, don't take it for granted. Trust is precious and valuable beyond what I could describe. If you have that, you have someone's heart and mind. Don't just throw that away on an "easy" lie. Don't do anything that could call your integrity or honesty into question. One of the best ways you could ever love someone is by being open with them, telling them what you're feeling or struggling with...and when I say all this I am primarily talking about your parents, not just anyone. Love them, and show them you can be trusted. That you messed up and made a mistake, but you do want to be better and need help.

People mess up and make really really big mistakes...but everyone can be capable of doing a complete turn-about and deciding to live a better life. If you have ever been injured by someone, you know that it's hard to forgive them and trust in the future, but don't just give up on them. They may need you most then. Give them another chance and show them by your actions and words that you believe they can be better and stronger in the future.

Thank you all for reading.

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