Thursday, July 26, 2012

4 months

I got to thinking yesterday...yesterday was July 25, exactly 4 months from that date we will be unspeakably busy. That is my sister's wedding date. She's been engaged for about 2 1/2 months now and it feels like it's been ages...probably because we've been so incredibly busy with wedding plans!

My dad and I were the first two people outside of his family to know what was going to happen on May 9th (her birthday). She wasn't expecting it, I knew that. But propose he did, and she said yes. Now a little over 2 months later there is rarely a day that goes by without us talking or actively doing something that revolves around the wedding itself. Yesterday, Libby (bridesmaid), Rachel, Becca, and myself all worked on sparklers, which will be what sends the blissful couple off on their honey moon.

It's just so weird/hard to think that within just a few months she will be gone and married and we won't get to see each other every day or hang out and stuff. If any of you have gone through something like this you know what I'm talking about. Anyways...those are more thoughts for the day. I'm going to try and be writing more often..not only on my blog, but also poetry and story-writing. I used to a lot, but as time went on I slowed down until it crawled to a stop. Now I'm trying to be more time-efficient and so I'll have more of a chance to be reading and/or writing more often.

Thanks for reading.

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