Monday, July 30, 2012


We can find strength in the funniest/craziest things. For me, I've found that it's music. If I need to get off my butt and work hard till I feel like a success I listen to that type of music...I have certain "motivational songs" that just get me moving. Two of the many that goes in that list would be Fighter by Christina Aguilera and Survivor by Destiny's Child. I have songs that calm me down...pretty much anything by JJ Heller works for that. 

Basically, everyone is strong...strong enough to move's just a matter of finding where we gather in that strength. Maybe it's running...or singing...or working on something. But we all have that hidden and secret strength which pushes us on each day. It moves us out of our beds each morning and causes us to go a little further when we run. Each of us will at some point in our life need more strength then ever before. Everyone has those challenges...some of us more then others. But no matter who you are you will need and do have that strength. 

So go out there and find it...find your source of strength and happiness. Do what it is that you love (providing it's Biblical)...and share it with others. Who knows? It could be their hidden strength that they didn't realize. Go out there and be strong.

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