Sunday, March 31, 2013

Resurrection Day Sermon

March 31, 2013 - Easter Sunday
Matthew 28:18-20
Resurrection Commission

What does Easter mean? Beneath the general usual story, what is the purpose? From the perfect world comes the Fall from paradise. This high rebellion from God did not deter His story and plot, though. We are part of His story, not the other way around.

God has promised punishment for sin and yet in the past He has been known to overlook man's sin. Now, with the cross and Christ's sacrifice it shows God's just wrath and now it may never be said that God is a liar or does not keep His Word. The Law required perfection and Christ fulfilled that for His people , not Himself  He was already perfect, bu He did it for His people.

Not only did He fulfill the Law, but He took on the punishment. If you do not look to Christ to fulfill your perfection, neither will Christ fulfill your punishment. If you do not look to Him to be your atonement and propitiation to the Father then you will have to take your own punishment.

Christ says in verse 18 that He has authority. He has a reason for saying it. When Adam fell into sin in the garden, he lost something...he lost his authority. Now Christ can say that He has gained what Adam had lost for man. Now He has defeated the last enemy, death, and He can say that He has all authority. In light of this, he has a commandment.

We have no cause to fear ever. We are children of the One who has ALL authority. Who do we fear?

"Go, make disciples..." it's not a push for evangelism, it's a push to reform the world. Evangelism is good and to be encouraged. But the point of this verse is to make disciples, spreading the word wherever we go. We cannot go about it carelessly, but meaningfully.

We cannot just preach and teach, but we must live it out. Use our lives a a teaching tool. Christ has established His kingdom and it will be filled with His disciples. Nations upon nations will be brought into His kingdom.

Too often we profess Christ but cannot walk in light and obedience to Christ or His Law. We want to live the life but not *live* it. Today, we can do what we want but still be able to call ourselves Christians. Is that really being a disciple? Is that really following Christ and walking in His example?

We are to walk as those who are living. What would that really look like? He came as not only our sacrifice, but as our ultimate example. We are to look to Him and live lives like that. Lives worthy of the title, "Christian". We must do this out of gratitude for our redemption and for a substitute for our punishment. A life well lived like this will show itself and be evident among us. At the end of a life like this, He will say to us, "Well done, my good and faithful servant."


Rachel said...

That is so weird! At my church we read the same passage!!! :)

Unknown said...

Wow! That is really kind of cool! I thought it was a rather "random" verse for Easter but it was such a lovely sermon!