Tuesday, December 25, 2012

"Blessed Art Thou Among Women!"

I was reading through the first book of Luke today (how fitting, I know!) and thinking about gifts. As I read this passage, all I could think of was how blessed Mary was...but how blessed I am as well. I have been given the best Gift of all time and it can't be replaced by any box or bag that is wrapped pretty under a tree. This Gift was placed in a manger...a more humbling place couldn't be found. He was rebuked by the human nature, visited by lowly shepherds, and kept guard by stable animals. 

That Gift was to be the greatest thing that ever happened to us...and His humbling birth reminds us that we, likewise, ought to follow in His example and show great humility through our actions, preferring others to our own. He has shown us how best to give...give what we have and what others may not always deserve. Give freely though we may not feel like it. This is such a season of giving and blessing...it reminds me often of the greatest Giving and Blessing in my life. I don't need a single other thing because of that child laid in a simple stable with animals and no great proclamation (except by the angels to the shepherds) and no fancy robes. Just swaddling clothes and a sense of sweet humility.

He shows us that in any form of leadership also comes great humility and selflessness. Who would willingly choose to be brought into the world of men like that while being the Son of God? No one but the most fittest to be called our King and Lord. Such a Blessing...such a Joy...such a Gift. 

All this is surrounds Mary...Mary the blessed one. The angel tells her in Luke 1:28 that she is to be blessed among women. I doubt at the time she thought she was blessed at all...she was to be scorned by many...a virgin and yet pregnant? Likely story. She would be mostly likely set aside by her betrothed. Besides...how crazy does all this seem? It's not like it happens on a daily basis somewhere, right?

But she was chosen...blessed out of all other women alive. When you see (most) pregnant women they are just so joyful...so blessed to have this life within them. When they hold their child for the first time they just radiate and glow with life. This child...this child is their whole world at that moment. But Mary had double, triple...far many more times that joy! She had more...she was chosen by God to be the carrier of the Son of God and the Son of Men. What a blessing.

Although I'll never be visited by any angel telling me that I am highly favored by the Lord and going to give birth to His Son...well, I know I am blessed. I am blessed among many peoples across the earth. Blessed because I *have* been chosen. He has chosen *me*...when I least deserved it...to be given a Gift for my whole life...not only on this earth but for my eternal life as well. Blessed is Mary and blessed am I!

Another thing that really influenced me...throughout the Bible God chose people to perform His works among men and most of them were like, "What? No way!"...and they got punished for it. I can think of two right off the top of my head: Moses and Zacharias. As a result they were punished in some way. But the other two that said, "Yes, okay Lord...your ways are higher greater than my own" were Noah and Mary (off the top of my head!). And to them...they received great blessings beyond what they could have imagined. 

Putting myself in Mary's shoes...I never would have been like that! I suppose that's why God chose Mary and not me, right? ;) He has such perfect timing and perfect choosing...He knew exactly what she would say and how she would react. In return...she was blessed with carrying the Christ child in her womb. How rich the blessings of God are. So like Mary...I am incredibly blessed. Blessed by God...blessed to be chosen by God...and always blessed with the greatest Gift of all: my salvation which comes only by the grace of God to me. 

My prayer for you today, Christmas, is that you find yourself mindful of your Gift...and if you don't have that Gift, to realize how blessed you would be with it. Blessed among all women and men on earth! May God bless you this Christmas season...with family, friends, love, and joy...but most importantly the reminder of your salvation through the simple and humble birth of Christ. 

Merry Christmas!

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