Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Worldview notes from today

Sarah Bacon
Worldview class
Week 26

Notes on the book read aloud:
The 60’s were not buried for two reasons: 1) it really was an epical and foundational change, those kinds of things don’t get buried that easily; and 2) the worldview before the 60’s didn’t make sense now that they were compared to after the 60’s happened. It was a dramatic change in the narrative. But it was a gradual build up, not a sudden change in the 60’s. During the 90’s and even now, it is a slow climb and build up, back to the ultimate climax. The 80’s were when the conservatives were so sure they had won, but fundamental cultural changes like the 60’s don’t just leave like that, they stay in hibernation but then come back and that is exactly what is happening right now. The 60’s were a time of counter-culture, but considered to be the culture since it was an upside down world. Since we are re-living the 60’s, our definitions are backwards – Christianity is the counter-culture and their counter-culture worldview is considered the culture. In a backwards/upside down world like that, good is bad, bad is good…beautiful is ugly, and ugly is beautiful.

New Age Psychology = Collective Consciousness
You are your own divine. We rise up spiritual awareness and collective consciousness to further its psychological and spiritual evolution. Reality is whatever you make it to be. “Mind over matter” is their slogan repeatedly. Their call was a call to expand and develop your mind.

New Age Sociology = Non-Traditional Home, Church, and State
This is psychology but on a bigger scale. They are just applying the psychology to the culture, not just the individual. Their end goal is to demolish the remaining Biblical standards (especially the family standards), and to abolish the church, home, and state. They advocate pluralism and believe that all religions end up at the same point. You erase all distinctions and roles.

New Age Law = Self-Law
They focus on the inner truth. Everyone makes their own law. Each man does what is right in his own eyes. Anything but self-law is restricting you from uncovering your spiritual awakening. Because of this, the church needs to be taken down, since the church sets out a clear, Biblical standard of laws. You need to set your own law and standards because you are god and you are ultimately good and incapable of doing evil.

New Age Politics = New Age Order
They see our political system as restrictive and limiting: perversion and crime are still perversion and crime. Until politics and the state advocates Cosmic Humanism, they will oppose and attempt to take down our modern politics. They seek to once again erase all distinctions…man and woman, state and nation, human and God.

New Age Economics = Universal Enlightened Production
Spiritually enlightened people are not bound by the limitations of modern economics which is all about rules, laws, and distinctions. They don’t address or discuss economics simply because economics only restricts you from unleashing your inner sense and being. Following your feelings and believe in yourself leads the enlightened to prosperity by the power of positive thinking. So their only rule is that there can be no rules…which happens to be a contradiction.

New Age History = Evolutionary Godhood
History is a record of how humans are ever increasing into their godness. It’s a record of how we develop and discover ourselves. Their goal would be a fully enlightened people and Utopia. Christians are looked on as the anchor that holds back enlightenment, so that must be gotten rid of. You are called to find your potential and calling apart from religion (which is not possible).

True love is not in Cosmic Humanism…god is everything they say, even the impersonal. But the impersonal cannot love, only people can love. But to them, everything is relative; everyone does whatever they want and it is deemed fine. If you enter into this, there is no right or wrong because you are just doing what you feel is right within you. Our destiny is in our own hands and is up to us. The counter to all this is that sin has its season, but then it turns to a life of destruction and unhappiness. 

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