Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Well, I apologize for not posting something decent on here in forever. I promise I have not forgotten about you. I am, however, thinking of deleting this blog. I am feeling like it is very dead. No life whatsoever. I am not writing anything of true interest on here, and as such, I am not having a very alive audience. It is my fault, but nevertheless...until I begin to be responsible about this blog and post worthwhile things that people would enjoy to read, I find that this blog is no longer worth keeping around.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I read your blog! Well, except for all the notes on Class, but I believe I have an excuse...

Don't delete your blog. Especially just because you don't get feedback. I never get any feedback either, but I like my blog. I fail at updating my blog, but I still keep it.