Wednesday, November 3, 2010


phew I have work tomorrow morning...bright and early for that. Also, my mom starts her work tomorrow afternoon. I have all my homework for Wednesday classes done except one tiny thing which I will accomplish tonight in bed along with math, science, and Latin.

It feels so much like winter that I expect to look out the window and see snow! The wood-stove is going and it smells so cold outside! Bundle up, it's chilly out there.

I got my music for Lansing Symphony Orchestra today (thank you, Papa) and hope to practice a bit tonight on that. My back is hurting some, but maybe after laying down for a bit and having some water, I will feel better.

The weekend is coming and I will be at Aristocats at Mount Hope on Friday for their last rehearsal (which will be longer than usual). After that, I will go to L'Abri (you should too!) and hopefully we'll bring Victoria home with us to stay the weekend! The kids have the Aristocats performances at McDonald Middle School at 2pm and 6pm (you should def come to that!) and after that Rachel and my mom have their Mason concert. I am still unsure if I will go to that. Sunday we have church (duh) and that about sums up my week.

Have a good one, y'all!


Sarah Grace said...

Hey girl.. what is L'abri that you keep talking about? Is it like what Francis Schaefer started because I have always wanted to go live at the on in Switzerland for a week or something that they originally started... I LOVE that feel... is it anything like that?

I love you Sarah!

Unknown said...

Wow...I don't know why I never responded to this! Yes, it is just like that! My pastor decided to start one of his own and it is *SUCH* a blessing :)