Thursday, October 28, 2010
Logic notes from yesterday
Class notes from yesterday
Samuel Rutherford wrote the book, Lex Rex, and The Loveliness of Christ. He believed that the the Law is King, and not the king is law. Oliver Cromwell committed regicide because he believed in Lex Rex. Lex = Law, Rex = King. The idea of Lex Rex is that God's Law is above the king and that the king must abide by that Law. Rex Lex is that the king makes the laws to be whatever he wants. The concept of Lex Rex was widely unaccepted because the people didn't want to have a king who could be ruled by another authority.
What no other religion has is imputed righteousness, the salvation, the character of Christ, and the unsurpassed grace. There was a lot of debate over who Christ really was...who is he? Christianity has come through history and if history is altered by us, then Christianity cannot stand because Christianity depends upon the true history of the world.
As long as you weren't a threat to the state, you could do/say/believe anything you wanted to.
Councils were a foundation by which our understanding of liberty, socialization processes, economical functions, and everything else that a culture runs on, is based on. The thinking of individuals will eventually shape the culture. If you have a strange thinking people, you will have a strange thinking culture. Your worldview/denomination matters. This is why you cannot bond with or marry someone who believes something different then you do.
Every man is fallen. A group of fallen people creates a fallen culture. All kings/pastor/emperor/
The two greatest commandments:
1) Love the Lord your God
2) Love thy neighbor
These could be considered a creed.
A short summery statement
Brings about discipline
Maintains peace of the Church
Keeps purity within people
Creeds are there to ward off wandering and provide a guideline.
1) Arian crisis - 325 at Nicea a council was called together by Constantinople. The Arians believe that Christ was God's Son, but not God himself. He was flesh, material...substantial...and because material things are less important than the spiritual things. How could Christ as a God do things that a human, a mortal, could only do? You cannot separate the spiritual and the material, the council argued; just like you can't separate love and hate. Worldly tends to get labeled too many things that don't apply. Christ had some of the essence and attributes of God but was nothing more than a higher being, they said. The council said, Christ was fully God (and fully man). He was not material and worldly like they accused him of being. The spiritual cannot die. If Christ was really material and human as they said, wouldn't he have just died for good on the cross? Also, he couldn't have possibly saved our sins if he was only a mortal. The council argued against them using Homoousios - Very God of Very God. He is all powerful and sovereign. The Arians wanted to put a huge space between the spiritual which is good, and the material which is bad.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
T - Total Depravity: Man has sinned and is completely and without virtue.
U - Unconditional Election: God chooses some people to be his elect and the rest are damned.
L - Limited Atonement: Christ's sacrifice upon the cross is limited for only his elect and not for the world.
I - Irresistible Grace: God's unsurpassed grace is imputed to those he has chosen and called.
P - Perseverance of the Saints: those who are truly saved will persevere to the very end and cannot lose their salvation.
I will work out a few topics in my next post of a sort of a "creed" that I wrote up the other night addressing 7 different subjects:
1) The Sovereignty of God
2) Does God love everyone?
3) Election
4) Predestination
5) Do we choose God?
6) Salvation: how are we saved?
7) Salvation through works?
Thanks for reading.
I have lived a long time, sir, and the longer I live the more convincing proofs I see of this truth - that God governs in the affairs of men.
Let us settle it in our minds that, whether we like it or not, the sovereignty of God is a doctrine clearly revealed in the Bible, and a fact clearly to be seen in the world. Upon no other principle can we ever explain why some members of a family are converted, and others live and die in sin–why some quarters of the earth are enlightened by Christianity, and others remain buried in heathenism. One account only can be given of all this. All is ordered by the sovereign hand of God. Let us pray for humility in respect of this deep teaching. Let us remember that our life is but a vapor, and that our best knowledge compared to that of God is unmixed folly. Let us be thankful for such light as we enjoy ourselves, and use it diligently while we have it.
~ J.C. Ryle
In all our duties, whether giving or praying, the great thing to be kept in mind is, that we have a heart-searching and all-knowing God. Everything like formality, being artificial, or mere bodily service, is abominable and worthless in God’s sight. He takes no account of the quantity of money we give, or the quantity of words we use. The one thing at which His all-seeing eye looks at is the nature of our motives, and the state of our hearts. Our Father sees in secret.
~ J.C. Ryle
There is nothing hidden from the Lord’s eyes. There are no secrets with Him. Alone or in company, by night or by day, in private or in public, He is acquainted with all our ways. He who saw Nathanael under the fig-tree is unchanged. Go where we will, and retire from the world as we may, we are never out of sight of Christ.
~ J.C. Ryle
"What do we mean by [the sovereignty of God]? We mean the supremacy of God, the kingship of God, the god-hood of God. To say that God is Sovereign is to declare that God is God. To say that God is Sovereign is to declare that He is the Most High, doing according to His will in the army of Heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth, so that none can stay His hand or say unto Him what doest Thou? (Dan. 4:35). To say that God is Sovereign is to declare that He is the Almighty, the Possessor of all power in Heaven and earth, so that none can defeat His counsels, thwart His purpose, or resist His will (Psa. 115:3). To say that God is Sovereign is to declare that He is "The Governor among the nations" (Psa. 22:28), setting up kingdoms, overthrowing empires, and determining the course of dynasties as pleaseth Him best. To say that God is Sovereign is to declare that He is the "Only Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords" (1 Tim. 6:15). Such is the God of the Bible." (A. W. Pink, The Sovereignty of God, chap. 1)
"Scripture is the school of the Holy Spirit, in which, as nothing is omitted that is both necessary and useful to know, so nothing is taught but what is expedient to know. Therefore we must guard against depriving believers of anything disclosed about predestination in Scripture, lest we seem either wickedly to defraud them of the blessing of their God or to accuse and scoff at the Holy Spirit for having published what is in any way profitable to suppress... But for those who are so cautious or fearful that they desire to bury predestination in order not to disturb weak souls - with what color will they cloak their arrogance when they accuse God indirectly of stupid thoughtlessness as if he had not forseen the peril that they feel they have wisely met? Whoever, then, heaps odium upon the doctrine of predestination openly reproaches God, as if he had unadvisedly let slip something hurtful to the Church. - John Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion, III.xxi.3, 4
By predestination we mean the eternal decree of God, by which he determined with himself whatever he wished to happen with regard to every man. All are not created on equal terms, but some are preordained to eternal life, others to eternal damnation; and, accordingly, as each has been created for one or other of these ends, we say that he has been predestinated to life or to death...
—John Calvin Institutes, book 3, ch.21, sec.5
Friday, October 22, 2010
Let me guess...I"m a hater?
Lately, as many of you know, I have been writing some rather controversial things for a lot of you. I will be doing this often…just as a warning. I will show for the praises of Him who hath sent me. I love my Lord and only want to serve Him with reverence and awe. How can I sit idly by and let the world get caught so up in itself that it cannot see the Creator of it all? How can this world be lead astray in such wrong thinking as it has gotten to? The evil that is accepted in this world is completely disgraceful. Not only that, but I’d go so far as to say that it is condemnable. One topic that has been brought to mind lately is the whole idea of wearing purple for those gay/lesbian/homosexuals (GLH) who are constantly being bullied and abused. I have not, and will not wear purple for that reason. I am not saying that bullying is the right way to solve this; I am merely saying that these people are wrong, and I will not stand up for them. I didn’t realize how many of my close friends believed that it is alright to be GLH until one of them recently made a post on Facebook and was praised for it. Her comment was:
Hi world. My name is Annabelle (name changed) and I support gays, lesbians, and homosexuals. The End.
This is completely unbiblical. Where in Scripture does it commend any of this? Nowhere. In fact, it condemns it. God says it is an abomination.
Now we really get down to the real thing. Does God love everyone? The answer is short and simple yet not commonly accepted. The answer is no. God does not love everyone. If you can tell me where it says directly that God loves every single person in this whole world without any exceptions…we can talk. But it doesn’t. Just read your Bible…it’s that simple. Read it and interpret it to develop a strong worldview. If you read your Bible correctly you can see that God does not only hate, but punish evildoers. I mean, look at Noah’s flood? Did it just happen and God was like, “Whoops, I didn’t see that coming. Well, I forgive all of you who were so evil that this happened and just for letting that slip, I’ll give you a free ticket to heaven.” Or the
Calvinists (if you haven’t gotten that yet, I am one) are often accused of being arrogant. It not so much of arrogance, as it is of pride of being called by God. We are not higher nor mightier than anyone else. We are sinners. You are a sinner just as much as I am. I do not deserve God’s forgiveness! I ask for it, and I receive it, but I don’t deserve it by any long stretch! God’s grace is overwhelming and overpowering. So you could easily say that God is merciful to those who confess their sin and make an honest attempt to be a better person, acting out the life that can be distinguished as a life lead by a Christian. This means glorifying God and giving Him all honor and power due to someone with that much majesty and splendor. How can we give Him any less? To do so would be just plain out wrong!
So to round this off and make it a decent, straight-to-the-point blog post…I have to come out and say that I am vehemently apposed to all gay, lesbian, and homosexual people. They are unbiblical, unchristian, and ungodly. God *does* not love them, nor approve of them and will not forgive them until they repent and make a true effort to leave their errors. That is my blog post. Thank you for reading.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Religion and the Rise of Western Culture - Chapter 3 notes
Pictures of three gorgeous leaves I was given!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Religion and the Rise of Western Culture - Chapter 2
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
A health notification
Well, I went to a comprehensive chiropractic on the 5th for the first time. He said that I had been going downhill, but he was going to start me going uphill. He gave me 3 different supplements to take. So basically with those I have to take 3 pills 3xs a day. Also, I have to drink a nasty whey protein drink once a day. He also tested me for sensitivity for certain foods. He found out that at the moment I am extremely sensitive to soy, corn-syrup, dark chocolate, all wheat, and all dairy. This has made it extremely hard to eat or drink anything.
He prescribed all the stuff that I have mostly due to the fact that 1) I have extreme low blood pressure, low enough to be pretty concerned about it, and 2) that I have a lack of adrenal glands (meaning that I have no adrenilum or energy). I have to drink a ton of water and record everything that happens.
This has been a huge pain and an inconvenience. Having to watch *everything* I eat or drink. Taking regular meds and stuff has been more or less the same. I am still receiving huge migraines pretty regularly and am still extremely exhausted. I am not having as much trouble sleeping, however.
All this to say! I am not asking for any pity or sympathy, because I have received plenty of it. It is so depressing to the spirit, because it makes me feel very much like an invalid. What I am asking for, however is lots of prayer! I don't know how long I will be doing all this, but I am really praying hard for it to end on Tuesday when I go back to see him. Please keep me in your prayers.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Religion and the Rise of Western Culture - Chapter 1 notes
"In that age, religion was the only power that remained unaffected by the collapse of civilization, by the loss of faith in social institutions and cultural traditions and by the loss of hope in life. Whenever genuine religion exists it must always possess this quality, since it is of the essence of religion to bring man into religion with transcendent and eternal realities."