Friday, July 2, 2010

200 books!!!

Ok, so I found this site that I really enjoyed reading. And this young lady was posting a link to another young lady who was doing a 50 book reading challenge. The whole idea is to read 50 books by the end of this year. December 31 at 11:59 pm! I was so excited...but since I am already a book addict...I thought that I might as well try for 200! Am I overambitious?? BE HONEST! Do you really think I can do it? HONESTLY?!

Here is the link for the original poster!

I will be posting every...hmm...20 books?

Thanks all for really means a lot to me!!


Erin said...

Go for it! I'm looking forward to seeing what books you read; I run out of good reading material and I always enjoy reading new books.


Marissa said...

You can do it!!! :)

Elisabeth said...

You should be able to do that, I did that last year. Mom said I read WAY TOO MUCH. This year I'm sort of too busy with life in general to get 200, but I should easily get 100.

Stephanie said...

That's cool :) If you pace yourself you can do it. I recommend "The Bravehearted Gospel" by Eric Ludy and "Radical" by David Platt.

Just 2 of the 200 ;) haha

Unknown said...

You have to specify what type of books however. You could just read fluff from the teen section, or really good books. Big difference. Fluff can be finished in a day, that's 365 in one year.

Personally, I think 100 would be fine, I don't know how many I've already read this year, however. I would start now at #1, and go for at least 50 good books if I were you.

Stephanie said...

by the way you should post what books you read as you work up to the 200 :)

Sarah said...

WOW! This was overwhelming! I didn't know so many people actually read my blog! :) Thank you so much for posting!!

Erin: haha, I alreay think I can't make it!

Marissa: It means so much to me to have my friends believing in me! :)

Elisabeth: That would be so cool if you could keep me updated!

Stephanie: THANK YOU!! :D I really need suggestions for good books to read!!!!!!!!!

Rachel: I am going to start at #1 but am still going to try for 200. I am determined to only count the wholesome books...not fluff