Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Peas's Quotes - Part 3

Peas - "Can we watch Dora?"
Everett - "Ooohhh Dodo!"

Peas - "I didn't hit you, you ran into my fist."

Peas - "Stop it, you dog!"

Peas - "Stop saying yes, you brother."

Peas - "I'm parking in a parking lot."

Peas - "I can say blockhead!"
Me - "No, that's rude."
Peas - "I can say, 'I'm punching you in the nose, blockhead!' See?"
Me - "That's rude though."
Peas - "Well, if they are a blockhead then they need to be punched in the nose."

Peas - "I'm no monkey, you little sweetheart. I'm punching you in the nose, you blockhead!"

1 comment:

Amanda Pendergast said...

Personally I like "I didn't hit you, you ran into my fist!" the best.