Sunday, March 18, 2012

Article XXIX of the Belgic Confession of Faith

I know this still isn't what I said my next post will be...I keep procrastinating on my research for it! But in the meantime here is a post on a Confession that we talked about in Sunday School today. I won't put it in the exact words because it can get a little long and you have to be 100% awake in order to understand it sometimes...but if you want to get it word for word you can find it here:

Many groups call themselves under the name church...but few assume what it really means to be a true Church. We are not referring to the hypocrites who invade the churches are attempt to poison it with their heresies, but rather the Church as the bride of Christ. This is distinctly different from those who call themselves the Church but teach false preaching.
The real Church will have certain marks or characteristics that will show itself to be the true Church. It will 1) preach the true doctrine and principles of the Word 2) it distributes the sacraments properly and in accordance to Scripture and 3) and they actively discipline those who are living in error or sin...basically following intently to the every word of the Bible, dispelling those things which oppose the Bible, and having Christ as our only king. This is how we are to see the true Church as separate from the false Church. 
Also, there are true and false Christians. They too can be known by certain characteristics that show themselves forth in their life. Namely, by faith, and by after they receive Christ as the only Savior, they avoid sin, follow after righteousness, love the true God and their neighbor, neither turn aside to the right or the left (remaining steadfast in their faith), and crucify the flesh with the works that are to originate out of selflessness. All this is not to say that they are perfect...everyone is sinful and is constantly making mistakes, but they are to consistently fight against the temptation of the flesh every day of their life...they are to refer themselves back to the blood, death, passion, and obedience of Christ with whom we have all our sins forgiven and we are covered in His righteousness.
The false Church can be seen by its need to collect to itself all power and authority, deciding of itself apart from Scripture how it will operate and worship. Also, it will not obey or follow the words of Christ, nor will it administer or give out the sacraments as Christ gave them to us in the Bible, but it will add and take away whatever they want. They also will rely upon man as opposed to God, and they will hound after and violently attack those who live rightly and according to God's written Word...and attempt to reprimand it for its errors, covetousness, and idolatry.
By these characteristics we can easily see the marks of a true Church and a false Church and who the chosen people of God are by how they act.


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