Monday, November 3, 2008

??What to say??

Ok, it's Monday morning, and I'm getting ready to begin school. Recently, HPA has been going well. And HSMA, and school, and private piano and viola lessons too. :) I've been rather tired lately and haven't been able to get enough sleep. I don't think I wrote an article on this subject, but we got a dog!! He is 2 1/2 years old. He is a Chocolate lab, and he's very energetic. His name is Titan. He is HUGE!! Well, considering he's 90 lbs!!! We all love him to death, and that will be the death of us! He knows how to sit (well, sort of) and we are teaching him how to lie down and stay. He is mostly trainable, so it works well. He has a nasty habit of biting, so we aren't VERY happy with him. Also, he can get very, very, very excited whenever he come inside from his pen or someone new comes over to our house!! As a few of you have seen! Anyways, church went well yesterday. My pastor's sermon was about the upcoming election (agh! I hate the election! It's so annoying!). And afterwards, we had a baked potatos thingy. Where we ate baked potatos, I mean. In the afternoon, we watched The Two Towers, because Rebecca is just getting to watch all the Lord of the Rings movies. And then we went to evening church and then Rachel, Jon and I watched some more of Batman. Please tell me what you think of the movie. I want to know all of your opinions. Today, I will hopefully get all my stuff done early and then I can go read books. I have to get math done (hopefully 2 lessons) and maybe some english. Alot of Economics!!! An hour of viola and a half an hour of piano. Emma is coming over for a piano lesson later (Rachel is her teacher) and then we go to orchestra. I am really hoping that orchestra goes well tonight. I'm not in the greatest of moods and a bad night won't help any!! And tomarrow is going to be hectic! In the morning we will be able to get a little school done, and then we rush up to Lansing for viola and violin lessons, then piano lessons, and then we rush to trumpet lessons and then we browse around Lansing some more just shopping or whatever. I don't particularly like shopping because we just sorta float anywhere we want. I like to have a plan. So anyways, then on Wensday, we will have class in the morning. Oh, and hopefully on Tuesday night, I will go clean for Mrs. McAtee. But I'm not entirely sure yet. Thursday is nothing, and Friday is HPA!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait!!! I know, it's only Monday. So anyways, I'd better go. Please comment, cuz I love your comments!!!


Anonymous said...

Umm... Batman. I haven't seen it in quite an while. I thought the scarecrow things were weird, and I didn't like the end. Over all, not really my kind of movie. It was entertaining though. - Libby

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! post something else!!!! - me

Anonymous said...

you love my comment!!!!


Sarah said...

course I love your comment, Libster. I love you!! You're so sweet!

Sarah said...
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