Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Friendship...What Does It Mean?

Throughout our lives we have heard it said many different ways what friendship is. We have heard it from our family, our churches, magazines, movies, books...even from our friends. How many of us take it seriously? When I was younger, I was considered the social butterfly. The butterfly who had a lot of friends. I always looked at my sister who had a few really good friends and wondered if she was happy. Wondered how that made her happy. But I've come to see, that is the true meaning of friendship...being close to a few people. Being their everything and their all.

I've tried being there for everyone of my many friends...that way doesn't work. You get stressed and overwhelmed by the many requests and needs of your friends. But it works best when you have a few close and personal friends who love and trust you. Friends are faithful...the good ones. They aren't back-stabbers. They don't leave you in your time of trial.

Life lately has been a bit rough. It's been a struggle, and God has shown me that complete dependence on him is needed. My friends have unknowingly come around me and supported true friends. They are the ones who don't need to be told that I'm struggling or that I need someone. In times of trials, I find who my real friends are. They are the ones who lift me up in prayer and encouraging verses. They are the ones who actively try and spend time with me.

I was keenly aware of this...within the past week I lost the two friends who are closest to me through a lot of drama. One of them has been my best friend for about 8-9 closest confident of all my friends. It's so hard to see this happening because of a lot of drama...but I know God has a plan to bring other better and ever more amazing people into my life who will stay with me for a whole lifetime. Friends just don't leave friends...they stick with them...closer than a brother the Bible says.

These people are to be Godly to one another....not just in their church lives...but encouraging and uplifting to one another. Sharpening each other for the glory of God. Pushing each other to be the best they could ever be for the glory of God. Seek out these people in your life...surround yourself with them. I heard it said once that you are most like the five people you spend the most time with. Who do you spend the most time with? I guess I'm referring to the people outside of your family since your family is bound to influence whether you want it or not.

This is what I'm looking for in my friends...friends who are there through thick and thin. Friends who love me and trust me no matter what they hear about me. Friends whose hearts are so bound up in God that they can't help but out pour Him to me whenever we talk or hang out. Friends who grow me up in the knowledge, wisdom, and grace of Jesus Christ. Those are the friends I know I should be having. God grant me many such people to come across in my life...and I pray I may be all that and more to the people of God, my loving friends.

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