Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Beauty of God

Here it is...after 1am again..I really have to stop doing this and just get sleep...but it's different being in a different house and being under your own rules. Is this how it is when you first move out from your parent's house? I suppose you get used to it...but going places and doing stuff I want to is weird. I can go to bed whenever I want and get up whenever I's so different! Obviously I'm still at the point of abusing it to the point where I stay up this late and post on my blog for the world to see...but I figure it's good practice for when I really do move out. I mean, there are only so many nights that you can go without sleep or with little sleep before you just can't take it or you fall asleep during class or work - lol.

So decided to talk a little about God's beauty. Some people I've come across disagree with this...saying that God cannot be seen by us and therefore we can't comprehend whether he is beautiful or not. But okay...can you see God as being ugly? Point. Anyways...what I really mean is this: all of us have the imprint of God upon us. We are all a direct creation of our living God. We were made, shaped, and formed in the likeness of God Himself! And not only us...He spent individual and specific attention to everything that exists...every beautiful picture you've seen...He spent unique time at that location to form it...he even put that gorgeous sunrise there so that someone could capture it with a picture and you would see it. He put time into everything...well, okay maybe not a lot of time...but only because He didn't require a lot of time. He planned out every ant. He painted every sunrise and sunset. He placed every tree and flower into place.

Driving over here tonight, I looked out the window and just found myself amazing. The moon was out and since it was a full moon last night it was still pretty big. The way the clouds were shaped were just so amazing! I found myself, once again, taken back and stunned at the remarkable creation and beauty of God. He is portrayed in His creation...He is magnified (think of a magnifying glass which blows everything up to a much bigger size) and praised loudly through everything we see! Isn't that truly amazing?

I remember once I as riding with some friends of mine and they couldn't stop commenting on the lovely clouds that evening...every minute or so they would exclaim over them. I just didn't get it...they were clouds! They weren't special or different then many other clouds I had seen throughout my life. About a week later I looked at the clouds and I was shocked! Just like what had happened to them, I found myself just completely wowed by the splendor of God!

What I've come to realize is that it comes and have moods of truly noticing the beauty...and moods where you question the existence of beauty - lol. But when those good moods are there...when you can't help but tear up over the way the raindrops look on a rose right up close and in person...when those moments hit you square in the face...don't ignore them. Don' push them away because "you don't have time." I did that for a long time before I came face to face with reality: if I don't have time at that moment then I never will. That beauty...that breathtaking whatever-it-is was placed right there under my nose for that moment and for that time and to show me a little of the glory of God as displayed through His creation.

How treasured we are that we might be included in and also share with others the great beauty of God. His creation both in nature and in humans is truly magnificent and never dull. Learn to make time stop when special moments come up...they are special for a reason. They are *yours* for a reason. Our Father loves us SO much and wants to give us joy! Isn't that amazing?! He wants us happy! He wants us to experience lovely things and one way He has richly blessed us is through his gorgeous creation.

I pray that you may be greatly blessed by God and His beauty...His stunning creation and bountiful blessings. Okay, there are a lot of adjectives in here...sorry about all of those...I guess that all those creative writing courses paid off for something, huh? Anyways...have a wonderful Have a wonderful and safe Labor Day weekend and have a party! I know we will :) God bless you!

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